Exercise and Eating

Is there a digestion period to observe?

I didn't go to the gym Tuesday (but I did do a bit of stationary biking) and yesterday I was ill so went to bed, today I feel fine but am absolutely ravenous!! Lunch got eaten at 11 and I've nothing til I get home at about 4! I'll never manage a workout when my stomach thinks my throat has been cut so thought I'd have a little something before I went...but if i have to wait too long for it to settle I'll lose the will to go!!


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Slam down a quick snack and go. Half a banana and some nuts are usually good for a quickie. Alternately a protein bar would be great. It sounds like you're making excuses to not go to the gym and one day leads into the other. Good thing exercise is not necessary for weight loss
  • bunnypanther
    I've not been feeling "well" all week. Still managed to do an hours gym on Mon and a little on Tues though. Yesterday was no excuse, I felt like crap was exausted and trying not to vomit all day.

    I will put it off, I dislike it, but I'm paying for it so I have to go. I don't like being a dripping, sweaty mess in public. I do not like exercising. I haven't found anything I really do like rather can just about tolerate. That is why I prefer to go to the gym right away...get in, get changed, get out...or I'll find other things to do.

    I just remember my Mum making sure we hadn't had anything to eat too near to going swimming when I was little. Didn't know if the same might apply for other exercise is all.
  • JoeCWV
    JoeCWV Posts: 213 Member
    Eating before exercise (including swimming) is not a problem so long as you don't eat too much. I swim most days and go right after work. I stop home grab a snack. Usually nuts, a hot dog, or whatever (around 300 calories) then hit the pool. Dinner after. It's never been a problem. I do the same thing on run days. I have a sandwich for lunch around noon and by 4:30 when I get home I am hungry.
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    the only thing to avoid before swimming is dairy because if you happen to ingest a little chlorine water, it will cause nausea and possibly vomiting, but otherwise, there is no need to avoid eating before swimming or exercise.

    i personally will not go to the gym when i am ill because i do not want to pass along my germs, so if you have been sick all week, it might be best to stay home. it's very easy to spread germs in a gym.

    that being said, i do not eat before i work-out. i just personally prefer to work-out fasted. in answer to your question, unless you eat something heavy like a steak or a big meal, there is no 'waiting period' after eating before exercising.