HELP PLEASE! I want to go Raw Vegan for 1 month+

Hello everyone,

My name is Anna, and it's very nice to meet you all! :)

As many of you, I grew up in a family where I was given my milk, my meat more than 3 times a week, and many processed foods out of 'convenience.' I love my parents, but as I grew up, I felt that something is just... wrong in eating so much of what I consider 'crap'. I love my fruits and vegetables so much and they consume a huge part of my everyday diet compared to most of the 'standard diets' out there (I eat 3-4 fruits a day, 2-3 portions of vegetables), but I have been unable to go raw vegan for an extended amount of time though I really, really want to. It is not plainly about ethics towards animals, it's about health. I want to feel healthy, full of natural energy, happy. I have already cut out most of my dairy because milk makes me very sick, and my meats are mostly fish or lean protein like chicken.

I would be ever so grateful if I can get some diet tips from some raw vegans out there. Some breakfasts, lunch, dinners and snack tips. I think what I am mostly scared of is the sudden excessive consumption of fruits and veg that my body is not used to in such quantities, ONLY food quantities. Surely I am to expect some pain and diarrhoea and I am dreading these. Is there a way to avoid them for a more smooth transition?

I definitely want to try this for a month, but if it's easier than I think I'm planning to go on it for much more and base my lifestyle on it.

What I will do once I get good advice is to make a BLOG with everyday progress, photos and food lists, and even invite people to join me so we can motivate each other. I've read that your life changes completely when you remove animal products from your diet... I can't help but be curious.

Again, this is purely out of health reasons. Weight wise, I am currently 50.5 kilos, 111.3 lbs, so I am not struggling with that. Most importantly always is to focus on health anyway :)

Please, please, PLEASE help me!! <3 thank you so much for reading :)