About Me, and Why I Need Support for Motivation

Hi everyone,

My name is Erin, and I am a 33-year-old mother of one (a 5-year-old named Kaylee). I work full-time, and I am a student (part time this semester until I get in the nursing program hopefully in January, at which time I will be taking 13-15 credits again).

I have been up and down the same 5 pounds the last 6 months, which is very frustrating but I know there are a lot of factors that contributed to this. Basically, I am a stress eater...the more stressed out I am, the more I eat. Then there of course is a vicious cycle. I feel bad, I eat more. I feel bad, I stop working out. I feel bad.

Background: I have been overweight since I hit puberty. I remember the first time I weighed myself was at the age of 16, at 170 pounds (I'm 5'6"). I slowly gained weight over the years, and for a long time I hung around 240 pounds. Then, in October 2008 I got pregnant. Over that pregnancy, I gained and gained until I reached 306 the day before she was born. Two months after giving birth, I was plateaued at 286 pounds. SO, I joined Weight Watchers. With them, and with SparkPeople, I reached my goal weight of 160 pounds. I started running at 196 pounds...more accurately, I ran a 5K with someone without training at that point, and I was miserable, but when I crossed the finish line, I was hooked. Within months, I had trained to run not only a 5K, but now at the 10K level. Five months after that first 5K, I ran a half marathon. In October 2012, I ran a full marathon.

But, the weight started coming back 8 months after I reached my goal weight. I was chasing a number, I was trying so hard to get below 160, to get into a size 6-8 rather than a size 8-10. I wasn't realizing that my body just was happy where it was at. That my body is not a petite body, it is a strong solid body with curves that just...they won't leave :) I wish I was happy with that then.

Not only this, but in December 2012, I had a hysterectomy, which sidelined my running. Then I had my tonsils taken out that following July. I stopped running.

The weight crept up, and up and up. Then I went back to college last fall. Working 40-45 hours a week, taking 12 credits in the fall and 15 credits in the spring, and working out fell to the wayside, bad eating habits jumped in to replace it.

Long story short, I reached 240 pounds, and have been near this number since about January. I have been working hard, but then sabotage myself after so many days of success. I have been down to 230, but not below that during the last 6 months.

Anyway, I joined this site in July but have found the same thing happening. I have a wonderfully supportive husband, but I think I need to reach out to others who are also working on being healthy.

I have in the last week been on track with my eating and working out, and 4 days ago I started running again, using the Couch to 5K app on my phone.

SO, this nice long story ends with me saying: I would love to have friends to help support and motivate me during the journey. To keep me accountable for tracking...


  • BIggestLoseraddict15
    Hello first of all, congrats on all of your major accomplishments in your life!!! that is just amazing, and so is your story. I just got back on MFP, and I am determined to lose 70 pounds. I am 196, and want to be 125-130, my prepregnancy weight. I will be happy at 140-150. I thought about running but keep telling myself that i cant since i'm 196 pounds. but when you said you started running at 196, I thought wow awesome, so it was very inspiring!! feel free to add me and we can share our journey :)
  • katejolee
    katejolee Posts: 50 Member
    your story mirrors mine ! i got up to 10k after my son was born and down to 141 where i was happy. i started a new job and the stresses with that and an injury led to comfort eating. I'm now at 186 and miserable. I started back to mfp 4 days ago. I'm hoping to drop the weight so i can run again as i miss it sorely. Add me i will cheer you on x
  • BIggestLoseraddict15
    Kate welcome back, it is hard to get back into the swing of things!!! you can add me if you want
  • michaeljguillen81
    Just wanted to stop by and give your your props to everything you are doing in life! Meaning going back to school, working, and being a mother! With that many credit hours too? I have no reason to complain about school anymore. lol
  • mojpal
    mojpal Posts: 44 Member
    Welcome! You can add me to if you want :) Let's do this together!
  • jannthompson
    jannthompson Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Erin. Congrats to you! I use the C25K app myself and love it. I have a little girl who will be 4 in January.
  • terpstje
    terpstje Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, you can add me as a friend if you like :smile:
  • angelic1ang
    angelic1ang Posts: 54 Member
    I completely understand the issue of doing so well for a few days and then wham.... it's all out the window. It's usually busy weekends that do it for me. I have a lot to lose as well. We can do it!
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    You are actually doing great maintaining a 60 lb loss!! Keep posting and logging and it will come :)
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Would love to offer you the encouragement and support you need because I need both myself.
  • blossomingbutterfly
    blossomingbutterfly Posts: 743 Member
    I will add you as a friend. I love being supportive and helping people out. I think the easiest way to do anything is with friends!