The Lie I Told Myself



  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    I'd look around at everyone else and think, "I'm not that fat." Problem is, I was. People would say, "Oh, you're tall, you can carry the weight." But I couldn't, my knees are way older than most of me. I told myself, "I'm strong and I can do lots of things other people my age can't do, so I must be pretty fit." But I had no stamina at all.
    Now I go to my Y class and try my darndest to keep up with those slim 20-somethings, and I don't even care how silly I look, because every week I get closer to keeping up, and I look better all the time.
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    "As long as my boyfriend doesn't mind my size, why should I?" Gave me the perfect excuse to overeat. Turns out he did mind and just didn't admit it to me. It took a really bad break up to open my eyes.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I just told myself I was bloated. Like 30 pounds bloated! :laugh: Now I'm only about 15 lbs bloated.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I don't want to be good....I want to be great!

    "Good is the enemy of great." - Jim Collins

    You are awesome, Dani, and I admire your drive.

    Thanks Jake! You rock!....and I am totally stealing this quote. :laugh:
    Hope you don't mind.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    America is too modest, and lies to itself all the time. We don't want to see a man in a speedo, but pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry in this country, and the two have NOTHING To do with each other except everyone says "gross" when they think of them.

    I love the tangent you went off on here, lol!
  • millermichellelea
    I just told myself I was bloated. Like 30 pounds bloated! :laugh: Now I'm only about 15 lbs bloated.

    I think that was one of mine also. I thought the reason I didn't have a flat stomach anymore was the bloating. Now I look back and see all the excuses. How could I have been so blind? I yelled at my husband and blamed him for using high heat on the dryer for all of my clothes shrinking. I feel so silly now! Why didn't he just tell me [jk I would have tore him up if he said they didn't fit because I had gained too much weight!!!]
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    I thought I was large framed......not
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    I always told myself, 'it's not a big deal. Just a little weight, you've lost it before, you can lose it again...' but the problem was I just kept gaining...I've never ever been more than 15lb overweight and now I'm 40lb overweight. I'm terrified that I'd never lose it...but I have to believe that I can...

    Need to stop lying to myself...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I always told myself "I eat healthy I just need to watch my portions." LIE. Now that I look back I ate horribly. There are some things I ate back then that I would not eat now even if you paid me to.

    Another thing I told myself was "I carry my weight well." LIE. In all my fat pics I am more round than I am tall. 215 lbs on a 5'2 frame is not pretty!!

    Also "I have a lot of muscle that's why I'm so big." ha ha ha! LIE. I was almost 50% body fat when I started.

    I am so glad I don't have to be that person ever again. :happy:

    This was totally me! All of it! Oh I eat salads when I go out to dinner sometimes. Yeah like that much matters anymore when they pile all the bad stuff on top of it now!

    I've always been bigger so I always thought it was "normal" for me. Such lies..
  • TheDaniProject
    i am a walking contracdiction on one hand i really didnt think i was getting so big but on the other hand i avoided pictures and mirrors.

    i could look at the fat and say its baby fat i can loose it in two months no biggie..
    yea right my twins are 1 1/2 now
    reality is finaly sinking in lol
  • tcgearin
    I always told myself that it wasnt that bad. I hid my weight well with the clothes I wore. :-\ LIE! I was over 180lbs being barely 5'3. That came crashing down on me when I went to try on wedding dresses and the biggest size they had was a size 20 and it wouldnt even zip half way!!

    The lie I've been telling myself since after my wedding was that I could maintain all the weight I lost without doing a dang thing. LIE!!!

    But, I am motivated again and this time it will stick. :-) Good luck to everyone!!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    "I am only worthy of my own love and the love of the world if I am thin" - LIE! I am worthy of my own love every day and at every size. I do not need the love of the world.

    "If I can breathe/if it's fun/if it's not's not REALLY exercise" - LIE! I work so much harder and for so much longer when I love an activity. Not to mention the fact that I will DO activities I love (as opposed to NOT doing activities that I don't love).

    "I have to be hungry/deprive myself/eat only foods I don't enjoy in order to lose weight" - LIE! I now listen to my body and honor my hunger and fullness cues. I eat foods that make me feel and operate at my best.

  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    I never lied to myself about getting fat- honestly, I was just too freaking lazy to do anything about it.

    Now THAT is putting it all out there!
  • JakeNonne
    JakeNonne Posts: 74 Member
    I thought I was large framed......not

    Another popular lie is "I'm big boned." As if my bones are 50% larger than normal sized bones.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I never lied to myself about getting fat- honestly, I was just too freaking lazy to do anything about it.

    Now THAT is putting it all out there!

    I was both a lazy big FAT liar
  • larousse_37
    The biggest lie I had going was being perpetuated by my loved ones: "You aren't fat!"

    Of course, I'm not obese. I'm not even 30 lbs overweight, and I have about 16% bodyfat, which is waaaayyy too high. Now, I don't expect to get to 5% bodyfat, but closer to 10% is the goal. Under if possible.

    But my loved ones would just tell me, and still do, that I'm not fat. No, i tell them, I'm not FAT. But I'm overweight. And I'm high stress. And I don't look good in a speedo. And I'm in the minority of men and probably women too, who thinks a speedo can look good on a fit man. IN fact, it looks better than those stupid, rediculous swimsuits 99.9% of men wear. They are just shorts with a liner in them. America is too modest, and lies to itself all the time. We don't want to see a man in a speedo, but pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry in this country, and the two have NOTHING To do with each other except everyone says "gross" when they think of them.

    So, back to the point. Ask a doctor if you are overweight. If he/she is worth their salt, they will tell you the truth. Then, determine the weight you should be, and work to get there.

    I used to swim competitively. Men can definitely look hot in speedo's (or DT's as we call them here.. haha d*** togs) truuuust me. If you want to rock the DT's, then you go for gold :-)
  • jul21r
    jul21r Posts: 34
    The lies I told myself have gotten me to 300+!!! Not to mention my laziness!
    My lies:
    *I'm big boned
    *I've always been a big girl
    *I get enough exercise walking across the college campus
    *I'm too busy with school or work
    *A fast food burger, 1/2 the fries and a small coke is healthy for me when I'm on the run, as long as it's not the whole fry and a large coke!

    Here's the BEST ONE of them all................ I WEAR MY WEIGHT WELL!!!!!
    Why did I ever short change myself and say that I wear 300+ pounds well???? I could fix my hair, do my make-up, and wear dress clothes but it will never look as nice as when I am done 150 pounds!!!!

    I'm glad I FINALLY realized that and I am working towards actually looking good and healthy!!!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    And I'm in the minority of men and probably women too, who thinks a speedo can look good on a fit man. IN fact, it looks better than those stupid, rediculous swimsuits 99.9% of men wear.
    I used to swim competitively. Men can definitely look hot in speedo's (or DT's as we call them here.. haha d*** togs) truuuust me. If you want to rock the DT's, then you go for gold :-)
    I was at the point where I could get away with it. Might've looked good with an even tan. It's not so hard, just get down around 10% bodyfat and have a decent bone structure. Working hard to get back there for summer, but I won't wear a banana hammock even if I can. I'm a grandfather for pete's sake.