I feel like a horrible person... :(

So a little background. I have a storage table next to my desk at work that has become the extra food table. My coworkers fill it up with all sorts of food. I really don't mind it being that close. Just because I'm on a diet, doesn't mean they have to be too. I practice my willpower and just don't eat it.

A few days ago my co-worker brought in literaly over 5 pounds of fun sized chocolate bars and dumped it in 4 different candy bowls (yes, there was that much). Again, normally I don't mind having tempting food 5 feet away from me but the chocolate was really getting to me. I've been battling a minor bout of depression lately and I've been self medicating with chocolate. Even though I always make it fit, that's not a (mentally) healthy relationship so I'm trying to stop eating it so much.

I told him I was really trying to cut out chocolate right now so I didn't want to smell it all day and moved all of it over to his desk. He told me that he was going to come back into work one night and cover my desk in it. I explained to him that I really needed to stay away from chocolate and I hope he respected me enough to not do that.

Now to the "I'm a horrible person" part. This morning I come in to find one of the candy bowls on my desk. I was furious! I dumped the whole bowl out on his chair and put a note saying "If I find this on my desk again I'm going to throw it in the trash! Not kidding!" Well, a little bit later when he came in to find a mess of candy all over his chair and desk (+a very b!tchy note), he tells me it wasn't him.

He swares up and down that he didn't do it and I belive him. Now I feel like a horrible b!tch. I just assumed it was him because he said he was going to do it and he used to do that kind of thing all the time when I first started. He would always put cake, cookies, fudge, whatever on my desk every time I would walk away. When I told him I couldn't eat that stuff right now, he would always say "You can always throw it up later". I had the begininning stages of an ED when I was in high school so that was below the belt for me.

Sorry that was so long. Do you think I'm a horrible person for assuming it was him and making a mess on his desk (not to mention the b!tchy note)?

Co-worker brought in crap ton of candy.
I asked him to keep it away from me.
He said he would cover my desk in it.
Found crap ton of candy at my desk this morning, thought he did it so dumped on his chair/floor with a nasty note.
Turns out it wasn't him.
Am I horrible?


  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    No, I'll bet it WAS him.

    He'll get over it if it wasn't...No big deal..
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    You had a bad moment. If you think he's telling the truth, then apologize and move the candy to another area. He is the logical culprit since he has done it in the past and teased you about it recently.

    I'm so glad I haven't worked in an office setting. Couldn't stand all this petty crap going on.
  • Jg04811
    Jg04811 Posts: 102 Member
    Not at all...reminds me of a story "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". He deserved it even though he didnt do it. Hopefully now he will back off and let you do your thing and maybe even start supporting you. I changed my WHOLE department. We dont even bring in birthday cakes anymore. Everybody over here watches what they eat and some have even started to work out. You just be that trend setter and dont let them choose what you eat.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Ho man, drop that candy off at my desk plz. :love:
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    No. It was natural to assume it was him since he said he was going to put it on your desk. Apologize and say, see I told you I was having a hard time. Laugh it off and move on.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I get why you feel bad but I think it was a fairly reasonable assumption. Did you apologize and clean up the mess you made? If not, do so now - if too late to clean up, at least apologize. Lesson learned - next time, no retaliation, at least until you know the facts.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Do you guys work for a circus? That is what it sounds like.

    1 - why on earth are people sticking candy into YOUR desk, and not their own??
    2 - just offer the food back - if they dont take it, throw it out.

    Sounds like you made things more dramatic than it needed to be. Not a horrible person though. I dont know what you do for work, sounds incredibly unprofessional on many many levels though.
  • SerendipitySkye
    SerendipitySkye Posts: 202 Member
    I think it was an easy assumption to make given your past with him. As long as you apologized for assuming it was him, I would just let yourself off the hook. It is not like he did not ever give you cause in the past to think it could have been him who did this. Please do not beat yourself up. We all have those moments especially when dieting and chocolate deprivation are concerned.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You Americans are crazy :noway: Has the workplace become a kindergarten?? How do you stay energized through the day when you eat candy all day and how do you keep focused on your assignments when there is candy right in front of you? What do your employers think of this?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    But did he die?

    Seriously, though, he set a precedent, so even if he didn't do it you had good reason to think he did. You dumped candy on a chair. You didn't eat his first born. You had a bad moment. You're not a horrible person.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You Americans are crazy :noway: Has the workplace become a kindergarten?? How do you stay energized through the day when you eat candy all day and how do you keep focused on your assignments when there is candy right in front of you? What do your employers think of this?
    "You Americans"? Really?

    For the record, this isn't the atmosphere in every office in the country.
  • donkelly94
    donkelly94 Posts: 1 Member
    I do not think you sound horrible at all. If it really wasn't him then you may want to apologize to him. But it sounds like you were very open and honest with your feelings, more then a lot of people may have been. I can understand your reaction and believe that most of us would have assumed the same thing, and done the same thing. You can only be responsible for your actions and feelings. If you have apologize then let it go and treat him as if nothing ever happened. Keep up the good work! One day at a time!

  • Travelfixer
    Travelfixer Posts: 139 Member
    No of course you aren't a horrible person. I think its quite thoughtless of him or whoever to even store it near you especially if they know you are trying to lose weight. don't stress out over it, let it go. You don't really know the truth as to if it was him or not so I wouldn't worry at all about it. Just say, I'm really trying to stay away from eating chocolate right now and I would appreciate it not being anywhere near me. xx
  • MaddyT122
    MaddyT122 Posts: 152 Member
    You apologized already. Forget it and move on. He probably already has.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    You Americans are crazy :noway: Has the workplace become a kindergarten?? How do you stay energized through the day when you eat candy all day and how do you keep focused on your assignments when there is candy right in front of you? What do your employers think of this?
    Not American here, but isn't the workplace suppose to be a little fun?

    Sure, dude went too far, but little pranks sometimes can get the energy levels up and get you through the day.

    Then again I work with 80% men so maybe I am used to it. Meh.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Has the workplace become a kindergarten??

    beat me to it! :laugh:
  • YourFairyGlamBoss
    I don't think you are a horrible person at all. I assumed it was him as well, and as a matter of fact I still believe he did it, but none the less don't beat yourself up about it. People should respect your wishes.
  • pennyks88
    pennyks88 Posts: 167 Member
    You Americans are crazy :noway: Has the workplace become a kindergarten?? How do you stay energized through the day when you eat candy all day and how do you keep focused on your assignments when there is candy right in front of you? What do your employers think of this?

    I can promise you, not all Americans are like that. I am American and this whole thing sounds ridiculous. OP, just apologize and move on.
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    First of all, I think fitting chocolate into your daily intake IS a very healthy mental relationship with food. Avoiding it all together and moving it to a different location is not.

    Second of all, tell him it was a joke. He'll get over it.
  • FeefWV
    FeefWV Posts: 36 Member
    NO! Not at all. Actually, I'd have done the same thing. Instead of helping you (supporting you) it seems they want to keep you from succeeding. I'd have tossed the "garbage" in the trash if it landed on my chair - actually I did that before. Just because people want to abuse their bodies doesn't mean you have to. Maybe bring in a tray of fresh vegies with dip or a fruit bowl full of nice crisp apples. I feel so badly for you that your co-workers did that to you.

    I'm SO GLAD I'm finally retired. No more stupid antics like the one you have described.

    Good luck with your life-changing habits.

    God bless!