Hello people!

So I guess I should introduce myself! My name is Sarah and I'm 24 years old. I decided to join yall because I all of the sudden have felt a longing to express my feelings, guilt, struggles, successes and everything else that I have experienced over the last year. I'm a student, going to school for business management. I'm a hard worker and when I set my mind to something, there IS NO FAILING. <3 Sarah


  • karicatastrophic
    karicatastrophic Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome! I'm new here too I sent you a FR.
  • formerfatboy1
    formerfatboy1 Posts: 76 Member
    I set my mind to becoming a healthier me and it worked. When you are strong and determined you kick *kitten* and do whatever it is that has to be done and you come out winning all the time! two thumbs up on your success!
  • I've lost about 80 lbs. over the last year. Now, my focus is more on toning and being stronger, rather then focusing on what the scale says. But I am STUCK at this weight of 195. I have tried eating more, eating less, working out more, lifting weights, stopped drinking alcohol for weeks! I mean really?! I'm not going to give up but I have been stuck for about 3 months. I have PCOS, so the weight was hard to come off in the first place and I don't eat bread or sugar. I'm not diabetic, but I eat like one. Any tips? because I just feel stuck like chuck...
  • cool! What is it you want to achieve for your fitness goals?