Cheating not so tasty anymore



  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    Like others I did not make radical changes to my diet, but a lot of the candy that I used to love tastes too sweet to me now. I still eat things with sugar (I don't subscribe to any specific "clean" eating), so I am not sure why, but I don't eat much if any candy specifically so maybe such direct sugar is just too much for me now. It's actually kind of nice because I have always had a mega sweet tooth and I don't crave those things so much anymore (but I would make room if I did)
  • yc4king
    yc4king Posts: 117 Member
    Definitely the same thing happened to me. I don't even know if how I eat now is classified as clean eating or not, but I generally only eat home prepared meals, try to keep the grease and sugars low, way more fruit and veggies than I used to have in my diet, and I stay away from sweets and pastries etc.

    The effect has essentially been that I am quite sensitive to eating "junk" now, particularly anything that is ridiculously high in sugar, salt, or very greasy. Things overly high in sodium taste disgusting to me now a lot of the time, it's not universal but I have a hard time eating anything but salad at some restaurants because of the amount of salt or msg they use.

    If I make some cookies I can eat 1 fine, but if I try to eat 2 or 3 I get a stomach ache within minutes. Something like a donut will definitely give me a lump in my stomach, and overly greasy food gives me horrible gas lol.

    At the end of the day i'm actually extremely happy that this has happened. I'm still able to enjoy treats, but I have to think about it and make sure that i'm not going to make myself feel sick over it afterwards. It's actually pretty scary to me that I used to be able to pump my body full of that junk constantly without feeling any side effects from it.

    I'm not advocating giving up all junk food, I still enjoy having a treat once in a while. However there is more to being healthy than just losing weight and the way I eat is much healthier than it used to be for more reasons than just reducing the quantity.