New member Longview, TX

:flowerforyou: Hello my name is Megan. I'm a nurse here in longview, tx. I have goals to lose weight, be healthy, and start a family. I've been overweight all my life. I couldn't tell you what its like not to get clothes from the womens section. I started a club with my close friends call Megan's Table. We meet once a month at my apartment to weigh in, have dinner, and go for a walk/workout. Our first meetings tonight.
I started cutting back on calories on December 18th. I weighed 218.8 lbs. I now weight 212.4 pounds. I just started walking 3 days ago. It's a struggle right now for all of us. We all have a touch of the "East Texas Crud". Everytime I'm walking I'm coughing bad.
Our first challenge was just drinking water 8-8oz glasses a day and to log our food. Our little group on facebook is getting flooded. So I am encouraging everyone to come on over to this site.
My awesome hubby, Eddie, is starting P90x with a friend from work. My husband doesn't ever need to lose weight. He needs to add pounds actually. So he's going to try to bulk up. We'll see his progress soon.
Thanks everyone for letting me join and for being here. It's encouraging to one another to know we all are trying to become the person we know we can be.

Megan W.


  • gr8tobfree
    Hey, I know you, lol. I signed up for this site MONTHS ago and never used it. I guess I wasn't as serious about getting healthy as I thought I was. My first healthful step was to stop drinking soda. I have to admit I had a Dr Pepper on NYE, just to say one last good-bye. Other than that one, I've been soda free for almost 2 weeks. I am not sure what I weighed to begin with, but I got on my WiiFit the other day and weighed in at 255. That number ouches especially since I dropped a LOT of weight and was down to 225 after I left my ex. I am no longer doing this to please anyone, this is for my health and to be a good example to my 2 little girls! :happy: