
Hi all,

I am a newbie here - seems like a great website! Very thankful to the person who steered me into this direction.

I had GBS in 1999 - weighed in at my heaviest at 280. Lowest I got down to was 155. Within the past few years, the weight has been creeping back on and I am back to 200. I never want to see 280 again, in fact, I vowed to never see 200. I am very depressed but now thankful to have found this support board. I hope with these tools I can get back to a healthy weight again.


  • cherfurr
    We are glad that you have joined us! I joined last month and lost 7lbs so far. The support and encourgaement has been great! I will invite you as a friend!
  • granitegirl
    Thanks! :)