First time doing the C25K!

I just started last week and have officially (in my mind because the first few times
I did it I power walked or half walked and half did what it told me) completed day 2 week 1.
So far I absolutely LOVE it. There's a few fun runs out my way that I'll be signing up for
closer to my finish date. YAY!!
But I'm down and out already. Hooray for having an emotional toddler. He threw a dog
bone at me out of anger, we have no idea where he got the idea since neither his daddy
nor I throw things when we're angry, and it hit my ankle hard enough to bruise the bone.
Awesome. Oh well, there is awful weather on the horizon for next few days anyway. I was
going to go out this morning and saw the windy downpour so decided to skip it. Now,
however, I almost regret not sucking it up and going anyway.
I was wondering what you guys thought about running shoes for a newbie like me. Should I
get good shoes or do you think, at least for the time being or until I actually start gaining
distance, department store shoes would be okay? I'm tight on money right now. Also,
I can't decide between trail shoes or actual running shoes. I run/walk outside. I don't do the
dead-mill, tired it 2ish years ago and within a week I was so bored with it I completely
stopped running.
Thanks all. ????


  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    Good for you for starting! There is a C25K group here. You should really think about joining.

    You should get running shoes if you plan to do this long term. However, I recently got running shoes just this last weekend, and I've been runing since late July. I also completed 3 5Ks before I actually went out and spent the money. It will cost over $100 for a good pair of running shoes. If you are not having any pain in the shoes you are in, you are probably fine. Just save up for when you can get them. Also, I would highly recommend not running in anything cotton. It took a while for me to learn this, but it really helps to wear anything else but cotton. Also, sports bras are helpful. Apparently running in regular bras can increase sagging in the breasts. Not cool.

    If you do uneven trails consistently, then get trail shoes. If you run on the street or sidewalk, I would get regular running shoes. Feel free to add me. I absolutely love running. I've become addicted even though my workouts are not going too well right now.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,782 Member
    I'm doing C25K - again, for about the 4th time - but this time I've gotten to week 5. I just kept trying C25K and finally, I was "ready" for the training.

    As for shoes, I def suggest getting fitted by a running specialist to make sure you have the right shoes. This decreases the chance of injury and increases the change of enjoyment. If you can't afford good shoes now, get fitted anyway and see if you can find the shoes online.

    ETA: I pay about $120 for my New Balance running shoes and they last me for about 6months. I figure the investment of $20/mo is worth it.
  • $100-$200 seems like a ridiculous amount of money for shoes! Haha! I am quite serious about it actually and can see how it's a great investment in the long run though (pun intended :tongue: ).

    Aside from the occasional chafing that comes with it why is cotton so horrible? I keep reading about people who LOATHE cotton for running. This may seem like a personal question but I have to ask...what about underwear?? I can't imagine wearing anything but cotton! Pants/shorts I get (swamp *kitten* eeewww)! Hahaha! But shirts, socks, everything else I'm not sure I understand. Also, the thing about the sports bra I learned a LONG time ago (I'm big chested) and ouch does that hurt! :laugh:
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    Maybe look into orthotics? The bonus is insurance may cover it. I had great success after getting some and now I can throw them in almost any neutral type shoe with minimal issues. Obviously some will not be the right shape for my feet but still.

    Good luck! I had great success with it, and "redoing" it now because I took too many breaks between weeks (life got in the way) and my pace is pretty slow. When I first started I swear to god I couldn't jog for 1 minute, but a couple months ago I did a very sad, slow 10k :p