5k on Sunday!

I am running my first 5k on Sunday!! I am really excited but that not my question. How do I prepare the week of the race? Like when should I stop running before and any other advice? Like I said, I am a newbie to 5ks and really want to have a good first race!


  • gorange
    gorange Posts: 7 Member
    first of all, congratulations!! i ran my first 5k this past year on thanksgiving and it was exhilarating.

    i only trained for about 4 weeks prior to the race but i used an online training guide.

    i did my regular workout routine for the last week, ran the full distance on sunday, cross trained monday (elliptical), did 20 minutes of 1:1 intervals (1 min running, 1 minute walking) on tuesday, rested wednesday and ran the race thursday.

    some online guides recommend resting for two days before, but some just the one.

    i was surprised at how well i did. i ran the whole thing (at 8 AM in 12 degrees F weather) and made my best time.

    best of luck!! and most of all remember to enjoy your accomplishment :)