Sleeve Gastrectomy

Hello All,
Any Sleevers out there? Just had my procedure done on the 17th of September. Down 23 and feeling pretty good other than some tiredness. :smile:


  • klcovington
    klcovington Posts: 381 Member
    Hi! I was sleeved on 9/18/14. I feel like I have more energy but yet still get tired easily too if that makes sense? I just "graduated" to some soft foods --- eggs, fish, and low fat cheeses. Other than that, I am still on liquids (my surgeon does things differently than some of the other programs that I have seen posted). Hope all is going well. :)
  • Hi! I'm new. I haven't gotten my surgery date yet but I just got approval from my surgeon. Waiting for insurance. I'm excited about my surgery. Congratulations on your weight loss.