Need the odd kick up the backside to keep me on the straight

I came across the site whilst doing a search for a calorie counter and decided this might be 1000 times more useful!
My best friend gets married in June, in Mexico, I live in Northwest England, so not only is it an important occasion to look good for but it's also a dream holiday: 2 weeks, 5 star, all inclusive! So I don't want to be the chubby bridesmaid hiding behind a bouquet and I don't want to come home with white (untanned) and striped bits because I was too ashamed to flash some flesh! On top of that my partner and I are hoping to start a family this year and I want to be one of those mums who can run around with the kids in the park rather than watching from a bench, plus I want to try and ensure that my kiddies see exercise as a fun routine rather than a tedious chore, like I did as a kid (both my parents are far from sporty).
Exercise is my main issue as I went from working in a large pub/restaurant; 10-15 hrs/5-6 days/wk on my feet to being housebound for the best part of 18 months due to illness and have put on 4 stone. I'm well on my way to being well again but am now unfit and won't be going back to the restaurant trade, so I needed to find another way to to burn those calories! I asked my doctor for some help and he put me on an nhs program that introduced me to a dietitian and a gym instructor/20 free gym sessions. The dietitian says what I eat is ok aside from portion size and an irregular eating pattern (skipping meals etc), occasional binges and my addiction to hazelnut cappuccinos so keeping a food diary and counting portions and calories is proving quite helpful. The gym has turned into an unexpected pleasure but I can only go twice a week while I'm on the nhs program (I will be joining properly once the program ends as I'm not allowed until then) so I've been trying to use wii-fit plus but I get lazy when I have no-one there to encourage me so need the occasional boot in the posterior!
I think/hope that having somewhere to report back my progress/sins, after my free help ends, will help keep me motivated but would really appreciate the occasional word of encouragement from people in the same boat.
I'm a bit of a chatter box in case you hadn't noticed so will always respond to messages and add my ore on topics I think I can add to.
Anyway, thats me,


  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    Hiya - welcome to MFP!
  • Dianne_vigor
    You sound like me! I am not particularly overweight but I do have irregular eating habits too and am hoping that I can find stability with this website. I will skip meals altogether and live off of coffee (hazelnut lattes!! or dark french roast!!!) and then there will be days where I snack off and on. I think part of it is my job being irregular whereas sometimes I get lunch breaks and sometimes I have to work through them. Another goal I have is to exercise more (and by more I mean actually doing it). Ever since I became a mother and went back to work I find that I lack the energy before and after work to exercise and I hope this will help. Perhaps we can swap workout routines- One I have done in the past and particularly like is the New York City Ballet Complete workouts because I can do them at home and on my own time. My son is even old enough now to do them with me! I'm looking forward to not feeling like I have swapped care for myself for motherhood and instead finding a balance and possibly a bridge between the two. A vacation is another great inspiration! Take care!
  • scrappymel
    scrappymel Posts: 107 Member
    welcome, wendy! you'll love it here! add me if you'd like. :O)