Starting January 2011



  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    I lost 6 pds my first week. Next weigh-in on Monday. I don't think I've been quite as successful this week although I haven't really cheated per se. I just haven't felt as "weight-lossy" this week.

    Nevertheless, I'm happy I haven't given up. Looking forward to seeing everyone else's progress. :)
    Congrats on doing so well and wishing you the best for Mondays weigh in. My weight in is tomorrow! Yeah!
    Good luck autumn for your weigh in, I'm sure your lose 1lb at least. Even so it's a step in the right direction.
    Hope everyone else is doing well :heart:
    Thank you and all the best for your Monday weigh in!! :o)
  • I lost 3lbs this week. It is my first weigh-in and I was very pleased. Hoping for 2lbs this week. Will keep you all updated. Well done on your losses so far :)
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    I am a little behind on posting but I lost 3 pounds this week for a total of 5 lbs lost.
  • hrynkiw
    hrynkiw Posts: 9 Member
    Friday I had a little bit of a binge and was avoiding entering it in my diary. But just before bedtime I talked myself into being honest with myself and entered it all. I was totally surprised to discover that I was still within my calorie goal!

    Turns out honesty *is* the best policy. I slept very well. :-)
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Turns out honesty *is* the best policy. I slept very well. :-)
    Well done for being honest and managing to stay within your calories. Accounting for every bite (and support) is how we're loosing weight. If I fancy a binge, I've been trying the Tortila wrap base pizza idea and having Cherry Garcia frozen yoghurt (only 150 cals per 100g). *Big hugs*
    I lost 3lbs this week. It is my first weigh-in and I was very pleased.
    I am a little behind on posting but I lost 3 pounds this week for a total of 5 lbs lost.
    Great work on your losses, I also lost 3lbs this week! LOL It's like we're all in sync, or just all working incredibly hard :o) And wishing good luck to those having Monday weigh ins tomorrow.
  • jmyers1230
    jmyers1230 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi everyone!

    One of my friends from high school has lost nearly 20lbs using this site so I thought I'd give it a try. I've gained more weight than I like since graduating from college, moving, and getting engaged. Right now it bothers me that my wedding dress is a little too small and I can't wait until it fits perfectly.

    I think scales and I don't go together well. Right now I don't have a scale at my house (but I'm hoping to buy one later this month). Not having a scale means I won't be able to give updates on my weight for a couple weeks. :( I also know from past experience that if I have a scale, I can get obsessive and I'll weigh myself WAY too often so I'm going to have to put it someplace where I won't be tempted to weigh myself every day (and be mad about my weight), but where I can weigh in weekly.

    I was sick this past week and went to the doctor so of course they weighed me. The scale said 163.8 (the most I've ever weighed) but I was wearing clothes, shoes, and my coat with multiple items in the pockets, I had recently eaten, and I had wet hair from my shower so I can't say how truly accurate that was. Until I get a scale, I am just trying to stay under my calorie goal and keep track of what I eat. I already know that weekends are going to be the hardest for me because I tend to eat more than I do during the week.

    My ultimate goal is 125-135lbs by Christmas (my wedding is Dec 30). I weighed 135 when I graduated from high school in 2006 and 142-145 when I graduated from college this past May.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!

  • downtownstazi
    downtownstazi Posts: 143 Member
    Intro: I'm Stacey. I'm 20. I started January 4th, I believe and so far I have lost five pounds which is mostly water but I'm okay with that. I want to lose about 50 pounds. I have fond memories of being 130 again. :) My weight has kept climbing ever since I left home three years ago. Not relying on mom's good home cooking and not doing track in high school and all of that active stuff. I decided it's changing time..Now! I want to start being more active and just be healthier.

    I would like to lose 50 pounds by this time next year at least..But the sooner the better. :)
  • jade_85
    jade_85 Posts: 96
    hey all :) i started new years day so lovin this thread :) i love this site its so motivating i love reading how much weight ppl are losing..such an inspiration xx my 1st mini goal is to be 154 lbs by end of this month. trying to work out as much as i can but shift work is a nightmare :) im so glad to see every1 is doing so well and i look forward to reading ur posts :)
    jade xx
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Morning All.

    I lost another 2lbs this week. Woo hoo!!!! :bigsmile:

    Good luck everyone for the new week :heart:
  • quansc
    quansc Posts: 80 Member
    Hi. I'm Quan and would love to join the group. I have finally decided to stop making excuses and do something about my weight. I need to lose about 120lbs. Only 118 to go. :smile: Good luck this week.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Downtownsazi (well done with your loss), Angel_eyes and Quansc welcome! And wishing all a great start to 2011.
    I think scales and I don't go together well. Right now I don't have a scale at my house (but I'm hoping to buy one later this month). Not having a scale means I won't be able to give updates on my weight for a couple weeks. :( I also know from past experience that if I have a scale, I can get obsessive and I'll weigh myself WAY too often so I'm going to have to put it someplace where I won't be tempted to weigh myself every day (and be mad about my weight), but where I can weigh in weekly.
    Welcome and you sound determined enthusiastic, which is great! :o) Maybe, if it's possible, don't buy scales and go to a friends house once a week to use they're scales. Then you won't have to worry about over using them and have a great excuse to see a friend, maybe the one that introduced you to this site. Either way, I'm wishing you all the best!
    I lost another 2lbs this week. Woo hoo!!!! :bigsmile:
    Congratulations, you're doing great! We're doing well in this group, I'm proud of all of us.

    Good luck all :o)
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    Hello all 'starting January 2011' people,

    I'm am pleased to report that I lost 4lbs the first week and 4lbs the second week, that's just over half a stone in weight in two weeks...I'm very excited! I don't expect to lose that amount every single week but I'm loving how it's going at the moment :) Reading all the success stories is so inspiring and all the support from like-minded people is fabulous, it keeps me on track.

    I can see that everyone seems to be doing well too - lets keep up the good work and I hope we all reach our goals x
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Congratulations, you're doing great! We're doing well in this group, I'm proud of all of us.

    Good luck all :o)

    I know we are doing so well everyone!! Keep up the good work everyone!!! :bigsmile:

  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Evening everyone.

    We all seem to have gone a bit quiet :bigsmile:
    Just finished doing the new release of Body Attack. So that means I have a nice new routine to be confused about!!
    I am sooooooo tired now :yawn: and trying to decide what to have for my dinner. Oh and only 6 hours of my 24 hours of exercise in January to complete. Yay!!! :bigsmile:

    Hope everyones week is going well :heart:
  • I'm in! My name is Suzanne, I am 44 and have been fighting this battle for WAY too long. I have two boys, 11 and 9, and a husband who is my rock. I work full time and have so many community commitments I have lost count. I want to be around for my family, friends and community, for a long time but if I don't shed some of this weight and get healthy, I won't. So, here I am. I am tracking my intake, I started working with a trainer and I am conscious, of the foods I eat and the way I spend my free time, because I want more of all of it. I am looking forward to having the support, and giving it back.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm looking forward to having an active weekend. My mum has my son for the weekend, so I get to try out the gym in the building and go for long walks, play a bit of Playstation move too. Bring on the weekend!

    @Snockers, well done on your 8lbs loss!! You're doing so well. We all seem to be doing well in this group. Go team January!!

    @eclairuk, clapping you all the way to that finish line. Keep up the great work.

    @suze2011k, welcome and thank you for telling us your story. We look forward to loosing weight with you.
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Hello ladies and gents,
    Great news, I've lost 3 pounds this week. I've now lost my first stone thanks to MFP and all of you. I am now well under my post Christmas weight and 11 pounds more, and I'm back to the weight I was a year ago!
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Hello ladies and gents,
    Great news, I've lost 3 pounds this week. I've now lost my first stone thanks to MFP and all of you. I am now well under my post Christmas weight and 11 pounds more, and I'm back to the weight I was a year ago!

    Great job!!! So happy for you. Keep up the good work. I'm hoping for a 2lb loss this week and then that will be 8lbs in 3 weeks and will be on my way to meeting my 1st mini goal!!

  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member

    I'm Kaye, and I'm hoping to lose at least 10 pounds that I have gained back, after an initial loss of 70 pounds four to five years ago. My success then came mainly from logging my food intake and walking. I told an old friend who asked how I had done it (and who didn't recognize me when he first saw me) that I had walked my *kitten* off. He turned me around, and then whispered in my ear....."Literally."

    I just joined in January as I was looking for a "one-stop shopping spot" to log my food and exercise. I had been using the Live Healthy Nebraska site previously, and since I didn't join their challenge for this year, it wasn't working as well.

    I do wish there was an exercise ticker available right here on MFP instead of having to go elsewhere....just a personal preference for me. Or maybe I just haven't found it. :-)
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hi! I'm Sue & I'm 48.

    I had foot surgery in November, followed by 7 weeks of relative inactivity plus Christmas & New Year thrown in for good measure. Consequently I now need to lose a stone to get back to goal weight (132). Have already lost 2lbs since starting here a couple of weeks ago. I've done it before and can do it again.......

    Week 1 146.8

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