SyKena Posts: 15 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Anyone having success with these shoes?

My mother lost 22lbs so far and she's been wearing them everyday since August...she's a school teacher and on her feet most of the time.....they're kind of ugly BUT I'M DESPERATE and just purchased the pink and black ones.....wore them to the gym and they were so heavy but I did feel the burn on the treadmill!!


  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    They are a rip off. But supportive shoes that are designed for what you are going to use them for. Walking, running, cross training.
    The shape ups will throw all of your joints out of whack and you'll end up hurting your self.
    There are other articles on here about them if you do the search feature.
    (or their shape up pants, tank tops)
  • I gave up on them when I bought them last year cause they made my legs hurt.(duh!) I'm walking my treadmill witht hem now the last couple days. All I can say is...they do give a diffrence in after walk feeling from regular shoes.
  • My borther did a study on these things in college. They don't do squat. But if they motivate you to get out and walk go for it! I don't see the need to spend 80 - 100 for motivation but whatever floats your boat!
  • I got the Reebok RunTones. I like them a lot so far;) They are not quite as weird looking as the Sketcher but I am not sure how those feel compared to the ones I got.
  • I just can't bring myself to try these - they are so not cute! And it completely reminds me of the commercial where the guy is looking at the girl with them on and is baffled :)
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    I bought knock off ones because I didn't want to spend a lot of $$ of something that looked a little odd. My M-I-L only wears tha kind of shoe now, in all colours. Not my thing. Then again she is a bit of an odd duck that goes for the next newest gimmick! Mine are in the bottom of the closet and are going to be in the donation box once I get organized!
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