Hi, I'm new

Inspired to lose weight because I found out two days ago that my blood pressure is 200/140 (freaking ridiculous) and I am very overweight. I'm a mother and a full time student.

Nice to meet everyone :-)


  • mojpal
    mojpal Posts: 44 Member
    Welcome! You can add me if you want, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon ;)
  • tdhdee
    tdhdee Posts: 31 Member
    Congratulations on your decision to join us! You won't be sorry. Lots of support and motivational tools. I love it here. Sorry about the health issue though. Sometimes that is what prompts us to do something so it's good that you see this and are ready to work. The first few weeks of adjustment can be tough but as you get used to eating less or healthier, it's better all the way around. Especially when you start to see the scale move or clothes fitting better. :-) Add me if you like. I'm here daily or most days anyway. I log every day but hit the message boards every other day or so. Good luck to you!! You can do this!
  • Anyone feel free to add me. I'm on here everyday. If I don't comment I always like or try to respond when needed.
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi and welcome! Feel free to add me as a friend! :)