I want to lose weight, but cannot find motivation?

Hi everybody, I am new to the site. I am hoping you guys could give me some tips on how to get motivated to exercise (I absolutely hate it, and as I've gained weight, it's become more difficult to do) and maybe some tips on how to eat healthier? Do you recommend buying pre-packaged meals at the store like weight-watchers, lean cuisine, etc? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Just start slow...you don't have to go from the couch to jumping around your living room like some kind of *kitten* to some DVD overnight. I started out just going for walks and trying to move more...that turned into some running....then I started lifting weights...eventually I found my love of all things bicycle and here I am 2 years later averaging around 90 miles per week on my bike and hitting the weight room 2-3 nights per week.

    In RE to your diet...it's really all about the math...you just eat a little less...try to make good nutritional decisions...you don't have to make wholesale changes overnight...baby steps. I personally think pre-packaged meals are garbage...just a bunch of processed ****. Buy and eat real food...eating "healthier" is really common sense...shop the perimeter of your grocery store...i.e. more whole foods. I'm most certainly not a "clean" eater, but I do most certainly advocate more whole foods and cooking from whole, scratch ingredients.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    You don't need motivation to exercise, you just do it. Just like you take a shower, or brush your teeth, or go to work, or do the laundry. Set aside time in your schedule for exercise just like you would anything else.

    For food, just eat food. Weigh your solids and measure your liquids, log it, and stay within your calorie goal. Eat foods you plan on eating for the rest of your life. Buy a food scale if you don't have one.

    Read these if you have not read them already:


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Tough love here:

    If you REALLY want to to something, you do it PERIOD. If not, then it's just a desire. It's like someone saying, "I wish I could play piano." If they really meant it, then they go out and take lessons and do it. If not, then it's just a desire.

    You don't need to exercise to lose weight. Exercise is for fitness and health. To lose weight you just have to be in calorie deficit. You have the tools on the site to measure that, so all you need to do now is plan what you want to eat and log it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • christinapapou
    christinapapou Posts: 15 Member
    Hey! I just started my diet as well! I totally know what you mean. I've been changing what I'm eating and how much I eat for the past two weeks and nothing has been happening. I've lost no weight so that's when I did a search and found this web site. I love that you can scan the bar codes to write your diary on what you have eaten so far. Anyway, I think my motivation comes from seeing results. I did it my way (no more chips, cookies, pop,...) and started to eat more veggies and fruits. Since my way didn't work, I decided to try the counting calorie way. Today has been a rough one. I was told a few weeks ago that I'm borderline diabetic and should take the test. I don't want to. My father was and now my mother at age 71 is as well. I don't want to limit my self from enjoying life and some of the great foods out there so I'm trying this diet thing. Wanting to have a baby is another motivation. I'm 32 so I don't have much time to get pregnant and have the children I want to. I also believe that doing the same thing and expecting different results is crazy! So making the right changes for yourself is going to be the best motivation out there. I personally don't think those weight watches, lean-cuisine meals are good. First they package this stuff in the smallest containers known to man and they don't taste very good. You can buy already made food from costco or other grocery stores but you have to watch the labels. Watch for how much sodium, sugar and fat content there is. It also depends if you like to cook or not. My husband doesn't like already processed/made food so I cook everything. I let my self buy only one thing to indulge once in a while (for me that once a week and only as a snack) and to go out for a nice meal with my hubby once a month to pat my self in the back. I know its not easy to take this step and we all curse those woman with the metabolism of a god but remember what's the best decision you have made so far; today deciding to take the right step into being healthy and living a wonderful fulfilling life!

    Good luck hun!
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    the best thing about MFP is eat what you want, just log your calories. It has worked for me because I don't deprive myself. And with exercise find what you enjoy whether it is biking, walking, zumba and then just do it! Motivation for me is trying on clothes and nothing fits! People treating you bad and you feel so bad about yourself, going to the doctor and being embarrassed, having to unbutton those jeans before I get home from somewhere, etc etc
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    wanting to lose weight should be motivation enough.
  • MisStarr_83
    MisStarr_83 Posts: 21 Member
    I have been where you are right now. I did not want to work out at all. It got to the point where I had to decide do I want to be overweight or do something about it. At first I just weighed out my food, started making a few healthier choices, and drank more water. As an earlier post said the pre-packaged stuff is garbage. I still eat stuff I enjoy just in moderation. Then I added in a little exercise at a time. Now I found I enjoy exercising. You can do this. You just have to want it.
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    I also run into the same dilemma. I have about 130 lbs to lose and that seems like a big chunk when you look at it as a whole. Start small. I can't diet, exercise and log all at once right now. I started by trying to increase my water intake or watching my food portions. I now substitute fruit for side dishes, I'm limited on veggies I can eat. It takes 28 days to make something a habit. Once you get one good habit going, try adding another one slowly. Try maybe a little cardio at a time. during commercials make it a challenge to walk in place or do jumping jacks or jog in place. Those can add up

    Also, make small attainable goals, right them down. Say for october, challenge yourself to lose 5lbs, and increase your water intake by 2 cups. You'll feel great as you do that and then want to up it.

    When I do that, it works for me. But trying to get in 30 min of exercise 3 days a week, log food, diet, drink water. All at one time.. that is just overload on my brain.

    You can add me as a friend if you would like. I too struggle with motivation and I have 2 awesome friends who get on me if they notice, I'm slacking. But they don't judge and they don't criticize. i might get a text that says.... why haven't you logged into MFP. That makes me want to do it more, because I know they are watching.
  • Richardlaing1
    Richardlaing1 Posts: 23 Member
    What I might recommend is you lose some weight 1st maybe get to 1/2 way to your goal or a few pounds down anyway. You might then have more energy to go to the gym. Exercise is not required to lose weight but it will make you look better and feel better. Less flab etc. A far as motivation goes, they say it takes 40 days to create a new habit and you know you can do anything for 40 days. You will quickly find it just drops into your lifestyle and becomes routine. If you are eating nutrient rich and fewer calories that can also have a positive effect on energy levels. Some foods just slow you down and make you feel sluggish. Listen to your body to identify those and eliminate from your diet. Keep in mind we are all on a diet. It's just a good one or a bad one. I see you have 55 pounds as a weight loss goal. It's very doable and while I understand your struggle nothing we say is going to equal your own desire for change. Track every calorie and find the foods that make you feel better and make it a lifestyle choice and not think of it as a short term goal. Good luck.
  • tony56pr
    tony56pr Posts: 141 Member
    Sorry to say this I know it sucks but if you want to lose the weight you will if not you wont. Nothing anyone says does or whatever will mater if YOU don't want it. It's all on you.

    My advice, stop making excuses and just do it already. Don't worry about trying to slowly change, change today as if it's your last. You don't have time to play around with it, it's now or NEVER... you want motivation? How about health? How about greatly reducing your chances of just dropping dead? If that isn't enough motivation then you aren't serious about this.

    Now that said, know rough but hopefully it pushes you in right direction.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,453 Member
    What I might recommend is you lose some weight 1st maybe get to 1/2 way to your goal or a few pounds down anyway. You might then have more energy to go to the gym. Exercise is not required to lose weight but it will make you look better and feel better. Less flab etc. A far as motivation goes, they say it takes 40 days to create a new habit and you know you can do anything for 40 days. You will quickly find it just drops into your lifestyle and becomes routine. If you are eating nutrient rich and fewer calories that can also have a positive effect on energy levels. Some foods just slow you down and make you feel sluggish. Listen to your body to identify those and eliminate from your diet. Keep in mind we are all on a diet. It's just a good one or a bad one. I see you have 55 pounds as a weight loss goal. It's very doable and while I understand your struggle nothing we say is going to equal your own desire for change. Track every calorie and find the foods that make you feel better and make it a lifestyle choice and not think of it as a short term goal. Good luck.

    This post is great and right on the money except for the gym part! Do not even worry about the exercise if it is demotivating you. 80% of weight loss is food anyway, so focus on your calories for the day or your macros. For example, I sometimes find it more fun and motivating to find foods that get my protein, calcium, iron up for the lowest calorie count. Also, some people find that carbs are their enemy when it comes to losing so experiment and find out what foods help you lose weight and feel good. Once you begin to lose the weight, you almost want to exercise to feel more energized. For me that happened after I lost 40 pounds and all I did was walk. You do not need a gym to get fit if you have two good feet! Just walk or run or even ride a bike and have fun! The more you lose, the more motivated you feel to get fit and it is easier when you weigh less. For now, learn to eat less and find out what foods make you feel good and drop weight. Let that be your motivation! :flowerforyou:
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Don't focus on finding motivation, which is a rather passive approach. Try instead to actively change your behavior by doing things like setting goals and measuring your progress.
  • kendalslimmer
    kendalslimmer Posts: 579 Member
    I've just started out too, so my thoughts might be a little basic, but this is what I think:

    - I'm calorie counting. That's my main focus with my diet, because to be honest, I'm not 'educated' enough about food to try anything else... Although, I do like to keep my meals below 3% fat.

    - Pre-packaged meals are a good idea. I wasn't sure about portion sizes (I used to eat a lot more each day!) and the pre-packaged meals solved this dilemma for me. Also, the calorie count is clearly labelled on such meals, which makes my daily count more accurate! LOG EVERYTHING YOU EAT ON MFP! Be accountable for your diet.

    - Be 'mentally' prepared. Someone on this forum said to take a 'mental' picture of your meal before you eat it, so you let your brain see and realise it's having a meal, and I actually think this is good advice. I also try not to eat my meal in front of the television, because then the food disappears before I know it!

    - I only drink water now, if I can help it. You're supposed to have 2 litres a day, but I've never managed that yet!

    - I do go to 2 exercise classes a week if I can. Zumba and Dance Aerobics, but like you, I find staying motivated hard and so I don't always make it to class. A friend suggested I buy myself a Jawbone UP24 bracelet, and focus on tracking my steps - walking more - and this seems to be a far more effective 'exercise' routine for me. I check my 'step count' at lunchtime and if I'm low, I try to walk more places during the rest of the day e.g. take the stairs not the lift etc.

    [I'm 'almost' doing the Slimfast diet - I have a slimfast shake for breakfast, a 210-250 cal lunch (yoghurt and fruit, or a slimfast mealbar etc) and I keep a couple of their snacks on hand for mid-morning or mid-afternoon and use them if I need them. I quite like Slimfast's Cheddar Flavour Bites! Anyway, that leaves 600+ cals for the evening meal + bedtime snack.]

    - I try to eat tea as close to 6pm as I can because my manicurist said you shouldn't eat a lot after then... Not sure if she was right or not but I'm trying it!

    I hope this helps. Good luck with devising a plan that will work for you. :-) If I can do it, I know you can!
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    Hi everybody, I am new to the site. I am hoping you guys could give me some tips on how to get motivated to exercise (I absolutely hate it, and as I've gained weight, it's become more difficult to do) and maybe some tips on how to eat healthier? Do you recommend buying pre-packaged meals at the store like weight-watchers, lean cuisine, etc? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Stay away from sugar rice bread. Watch Gary taubes video
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Stay away from sugar rice bread. Watch Gary taubes video

    Ignore this. Taubes is just another amateur with an agenda.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Honestly, if you're not motivated enough then you're not ready or in the right mindset. You just realize that it has to get done and get up and do it. You count the calories you go to the exercise. Gets easier as you go, and it's something you just do.
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    I'm great at helping with motivation. Add me.
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    Tough love here:

    If you REALLY want to to something, you do it PERIOD. If not, then it's just a desire. It's like someone saying, "I wish I could play piano." If they really meant it, then they go out and take lessons and do it. If not, then it's just a desire.

    You don't need to exercise to lose weight. Exercise is for fitness and health. To lose weight you just have to be in calorie deficit. You have the tools on the site to measure that, so all you need to do now is plan what you want to eat and log it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • f0r54ken
    f0r54ken Posts: 21 Member
    How I started was Wondering how I got a little chubby, I researched some of the stuff I ate. Mcdonalds, syrups, Hershey's, Chocolate chip. I was looking for a common denominator. After I learned more about these foods, how bad they are for us, and how much they are just filler I started getting angry at them and their producers.

    I boycotted mcdonalds altogether that lead me to dislike similar establishments like burger king and Jack in the box.
    After learning about high fructose corn syrup I couldn't stand to drink anything with that in it. Soda's, Hawaiian punch, 90% of juices.

    My weight loss Was initially motivated by my disgust with the addicting foods they are feeding us. eventually my healthier body lead me to more general energy, Then that Started chipping away and my laziness. THEN I started liking the way I looked. and that was all the motivation I needed.

    I hope this helps. TL;DR? Just Research a little and find out how bad the foods you eat REALLY are for you. Then cut those out.
  • jfmorrison
    jfmorrison Posts: 70 Member
    just starting out can be hard. give it 2-weeks of a solid effort and by then it will be routine. your motivation can be it'll be easy as pie after the induction phase!