Years of drinking coffee, it now doesn't agree with me?

I have been drinking a morning cup of coffee about 5/7 days a week the exact same way with a small splash of whole milk or cream and about 3 regular sugars for at least the last 3 years.

The past month, I notice that after my coffee I begin to feel extremely nauseous, my throat starts to burn/get irritated and my mouth starts to water. Sometimes it's worse than other times and sometimes it goes away quickly...but a few times it has lingered into extreme nausea and I've had to sit at my desk with my eyes closed.

I'm pretty sure it is nothing else I'm eating, because I always notice this towards the tail end of my morning coffee. Has anyone experienced anything like this before? I hate to think I'll need to stop drinking coffee but it's starting to look that way.


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    My advise is to visit your medical practicioner. I assume you have one near your home, school or work;whatever is applicable.

    Your simptoms may belong to different ailments. We are not medical doctors. Even we were, it is not ethical to treat a patient via chat.

    I wish you a speedy recovery and good luck
  • Hi

    My advise is to visit your medical practicioner. I assume you have one near your home, school or work;whatever is applicable.

    Your simptoms may belong to different ailments. We are not medical doctors. Even we were, it is not ethical to treat a patient via chat.

    I wish you a speedy recovery and good luck

    Fully aware, was more so just wondering if anyone else noticed that as they started/stuck with an exercise regimen if their body's ability to tolerate things changed. Guess I could have also rephrased.
  • habit365
    habit365 Posts: 174
    Any chance you are pregnant?

    Do you drink it on an empty stomach? If so, I would try it with some food and see what happens. Or try the components individually and see if you get a reaction.

    Have you taken antibiotics recently? That can upset the balance for a while and make you react to things you normally would be fine with.

    Good luck figuring it out!
  • apparations
    apparations Posts: 264 Member
    Is this coffee that you are making yourself at home? If so you might want to consider taking apart and cleaning your coffee maker.. Maybe there's mold?