TDEE & BMR help

Hello, I noticed people talking about TDEE on here and decided to google it, found a site with a calculator, and it came up with my BMR and TDEE, I understand that you need to consuming less calories than your TDEE to lose weight, but by how much? My BMR is about 1000 calories under my TDEE, should I go with that for my daily calorie intake or should I be aiming lower that that too? Thanks for any help :)


  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    I would usually go about 500 calories below TDEE. This equates to roughly 1 lb a week weight loss per week. Also remember to take into consideration that those calculators are just going to give you an estimate. Also know that your TDEE isn't a fixed number. Furthermore, your calorie counting will never be 100% accurate. Some people are much more accurate then others, but no one is perfect. For those reasons, don't expect your actual results to go exactly as it should in theory. You will have to adjust your calories based on your actual results, not an equation, but the equation is usually a good starting point.
  • beautifuldisasta
    beautifuldisasta Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks vismal, sounds like there is a lot to it lol. So basically take it as a very rough guide?!!