Cons of Losing Weight



  • melmelw80
    melmelw80 Posts: 352 Member
    Gaining a little more confidence, and "friends" think you've "changed" and they like the "old" you better. Intimidated? Jealous? Not sure which, but haters like to hate even when you are doing something healthy and positive. (sorry so many quotes! )
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    My daughter steals all my clothing.
  • parkerpowerlift
    parkerpowerlift Posts: 196 Member
    1.) Having to eventually buy new clothes...I'm fashionably challenged as-is and I find shopping to be a pain in the *kitten*. My body doesn't cooperate. Either I have to get shirts way large to accommodate my larger chest, or I can't get into cute clothes without every curve, roll, etc, showing. Or the risk of looking trashy/skanky. I repulse myself.

    I don't have $50+ for an individual piece of clothing. So I often am stuck wearing clothes that are looking like bags on me, haha. Better than them looking skin tight and uncomfortable. I just recently got a new pair of dress pants for work, since I only had one pair left that fit.

    1.) I feel like I will be judged by the morsels I put in my mouth whenever I eat around others, so I often eat alone, inside or in my car during my lunches.

    3.) I have been wanting to talk about fitness, wellness, weight loss a lot, but feeling like I'm annoying the **** out of people. So I keep it to myself anymore when out and about. I do, however, allow my weigh-ins to automatically post to my Facebook. Allowing my friends and family to know that I'm losing weight helps keep me accountable.

    4.) I have had to learn the hard way that ultimately, I should focus on me and me alone. My weight loss journey HAS been inspired by others, and seeing others' success and weight loss has helped carry me and push me in the beginning. Some fun competition and motivation has been to catch up to others' weight loss goals at work.

    I was going through this journey with a friend, but we have kinda grown distant (which makes me sad). But it's life. And I have had to learn to toughen up and realize that I should lose weight for myself. Not just because someone else is doing it or just to find a reason to bond with someone. That this journey, I walk it alone. And through labored breathing, long miles, pounding pavement with the sun on my face and the wind against my back, my weaknesses and insecurities will trickle away. I had this break-down-turned epiphany this morning. And with that, I completed a 4.5 mile run by myself with no stopping for the first time ever.
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    Losing weight is hard work. It's draining and tiring. Worthwhile, but still it's hard.

    Noticing excess weight in the opposite gender more now than before.