Some days are just hard

MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Today is one of those days. I had a great weigh in. A good training session. Ate according to plan.

And now it's almost 7pm and I'm DYING. I'm not hungry, but I want to eat. My friend was just over and talking about tacos and refried beans and chips and salsa... my weaknesses. I know how to recreate those items and make them healthy, but I don't have enough calories in my bank to spend tonight. I actually asked her to go home (with a smile) because I couldn't take the temptation and she wanted me to just run up to the corner for a quick taco with her. I said no.

Perhaps I'm feeling sorry for myself today. I'm definitely feeling a little bit deprived. I just finished a big salad and a Lean Cuisine (Quite good, actually). I still have enough calories for a light snack in a few minutes (it's going to be Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich).

It's all good. I am really pleased I've managed to resist temptation. But that doesn't make the gnawing hole of resentment go away. Normally I'd cope with this feeling by stuffing it with something delicious. That's not an option today, but I don't know what to do. I'm considering popping 2 Benadryl and putting myself to bed instead.

What do you all do when you have these feelings? A lack of positive thinking isn't my issue (I don't think). I'm very proud of myself. But I still feel - - - hungry? Unsatisfied? The need to feed?


  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    Yous said, " I'm not hungry, but I want to eat." What need would the eating satisfy? Because even if you do eat, that is not the real issue according to you. It seems you want to treat yourself in some way. Can you do that buy reading a book, taking a relaxing bath, enjoy some "me time" doing something that would make you feel good? If hunger is not the problem, eating is not the solution.

    On days like this, I have huge glass of warm herbal tea, get in a quiet place and busy myself thinking about why it is I really want to eat. When all else fails, I go to bed or talk to a friend or buddy that will hold me accountable.
  • quara
    quara Posts: 255 Member
    Aww, I know how you feel!! The hardest part is not eating because I'm hungry, but just eating because I love to eat, and the feelings of deprivation that come along with that. The best thing to curb a craving, I find, is to brush your teeth, chew a piece of gum and/or drink a lot of water. Keeping your mouth occupied is good, as is the minty flavour that kills sugar cravings.

    The other thing, I think, is that the longer you go along the more the feelings of deprivation lessen. You learn to really love the healthy food you're eating, and the food you used to love may not taste as good. But of course you don't want to deprive yourself to the point where you're going to cave and throw away your diet... if you want Mexican, maybe a few chips and salsa could satisfy the craving?

    The other thing is if you do give in and eat those tacos, you're going to feel upset when you thought "I was at my calorie limit, and I wasn't even hungry, and now I'm way over." Those tacos won't be worth it! You're doing the right thing by avoiding temptation. Keep it up and it will get better with time!!
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    I do exactly what you did. I log in to see my progress and tell myself that the marginal benefit is greater than the marginal cost! This is one of the main reasons why I joined fitness pal because my boyfriend can eat whatever he wants literally, and calls "exercise" his diet plan and it works!

    Everyone's body is different and it's good that you can establish how your body reacts in different situations.

    I say good job with saying NO because tempation is something hard to overcome.
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    I go for a walk or exercise! Do something that keeps your hands busy:)
  • this reminds me when I quit smoking... the terrible 3's (3 wks of crabby, 30 days to break a habit, and 3 months to stop craving it even in my sleep..) I got involved in what I love to do the most.. Bake and then gained 10 pounds on top of the 20lb baby fat ugh. I became depressed started to not feel good about myself etc..

    In the end I took control of my life because well, I wanted it back.. everytime I wanted that "comfort" food or to smoke I picked up a book and went to another time, it really helped with the cravings and helped to escape took my mind off from it and still does. Though we can't all pick up a book and read 8 hours out of the day but when I crave sweets I know that I need to add to extra time to my work out to make sure I burn of the extra uncalculated calories...
  • Great ! Now I'm hungry for tacos.
  • StephanieBFree
    StephanieBFree Posts: 39 Member
    I think you should be giving yourself a big hug and congratulating yourself. I myself have been in the exact same shoes and it is not easy to resist temptation and not go for that taco. Good for you! I think it is fantastic that you asked your friend to leave based on how the conversation was making you feel. I would never have been able to do that. Even though I certainly would be thinking it I think I just lack the self confidence to say it.

    I agree with quara.....chew gum or go brush your teeth and find something to distract yourself. I know that when I get bored or feeling emotional all I want to do is eat and your goal is way too important for that.

    Kudoos to you and you did the right thing tonight. Remember when you feel weak just come onto this site and write about it. You are sure to get the support you need.

  • rugrat200324
    rugrat200324 Posts: 128 Member
    I know what you mean!
    **********But I am proud of you for keeping yourself under control.******** that is half the battle.
    I really like to eat apples and peanut butter!!! It is yummy. Also, use this site to keep happy thoughts! The more people you hear from and talk to the better you will feel! I will be here to cheer you on!!! Just so you know you are not the only one who has this problem, I eat because i am bored! I eat because im mad, i eat because im hungry, i eat when im not hungry, I just dont know when to stop. I am learning this at the days go.
  • sherilynn65
    sherilynn65 Posts: 26 Member
    hang in there, i am just the same way. i can eat a nice supper but when it comes tot he evenig time, i feel like it should be snack time, im not hungry but think i should eat. this has always been a big downfall for me. i agree with an earlier comment about just keep checking into mfp and seeing where your at in calories and keep in mind that tomorrow when you check in you will be very glad you didnt give into those tacos. have a nice cup of herbal tea and relax. im behind you, we are all here for the same reason, motivation, friendship and to be healthy happier (thinner) people. stay strong
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    Usually it's just water deprivation. If I'm not hungry and I want to eat, I drink a big drink of water. If I'm still hungry after that, I eat a blow pop. Get a lot of time sucking the sucker, and then chewing the gum helps for awhile as well, but I'd try the water first.
  • ksnj2
    ksnj2 Posts: 10 Member
    Have you tried to learn how to knit, crochet or cross stitch? I know that helps quite a bit with quitting smoking and habits like that. Maybe that could help? Concentrating on the task at hand, your hands are busy and you learn something new! :heart:
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