Hypothyroidism (Subacute thyroiditis)

I have subacute thyroiditis and curious to hear if anyone else has experience with this, and whether it's affected their ability to lose weight.

I'm currently in a hypothyroid state, and it's supposed to be temporary, but my Endo cannot say how long it is going to last. It's caused me to put on a few pounds (about 8) and on top of that, I'm also having an unusually difficult time losing them.

I'm taking 50mcg of Levothyroxine. I'm worried this might not be enough, but I tried upping to 75 for a few days and got really bad symptoms as a result (early period, worst cramps of my life) so I stopped. I also did not tell my Endo I was doing this, which I know is bad, but I was extremely frustrated with some of my hypo symptoms.

In general, I've been worried about talking to my Endo about the weight issue for fear of being seen as being obsessive about my weight and/or wanting more medicine simply to help with weight loss. I'm curious if anyone has tips for how to talk to an Endo about the weight issue in a way they will understand how important it is... she just sad "weight gain is a side effect" like it's no big deal, but to me it is a HUGE DEAL. I'm also just frustrated that all my hard work is not paying off.


  • justastranger
    justastranger Posts: 5 Member
    I actually had the opposite problem as you. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroid and was given medication to slow down my metabolism, therefore, slow down weight loss. To be bluntly honest.... It sucked, very discouraging and depressing.... Having to work 2x as hard to lose the weight. (At one point I actually stopped taking the pills and lied to my endo, and as a result, fought with hyperthyroidism for 7+ years because I messed myself up)

    I would definitely do what your endo says, or suggest increasing the dosage and see what she has to say about it! And by the way, your hard work is paying off!! Even if its not noticeable on the scale, you're definitely getting stronger everyday!

    Good luck :)