Softdrink... my bad

Perhaps someone here can clarify something for me. I drink pepsi max. A lot of it. I drink 3 to 5 cans a day on average. I know each can is 1 calorie but I can find very little information on it otherwise. Should I cut it out completely and drink it only when I go out?

I don't drink alcohol at all and have seriously cut back on my sweets and savouries. But I have to admit I drink very little water, if any.

Any ideas?


  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    You will be told that you drink it if you like. You will be told that you can fit it in your Daily Macro goals. Here is the deal. Water is what you need, not Soda. Soda provides literally no nutritional good to you. The honest truth is that you are drinking way to much of it and you should consider reducing your intake if your wanting to get more healthy. Personally I would consider cutting it out all together. I however can go without Soda long term. Have not had any in nearly 11 years. If you can not give it up forever then just reduce your intake to a much more healthy level and drink more water. Maybe at some point in your future you will want to cut it out all together. Good luck.
  • mathandcats
    mathandcats Posts: 786 Member
    I would only cut it out completely if you think you can stick with that long term. What's key is moderation and not feeling deprived (so you can stick to your plan). 3-5 cans a day is kind of a lot, you should probably consider cutting back and upping your water, but you don't have to give it up entirely.