Too lose more weight or gain muscle ???

I have been losing weight and taking better care of myself since christmas 2013 - a loooonggg hard road to travel when you have never done it before. I have never posted on the forum before but all year have read others and its really helped my motivation. I am about 10-15lbs of my original goal weight and i have over the last few months really got into the gym, weights especially. I now face the question do i continue to hit cardio cardio cardio to lose that last 10-15lbs, or start eating more to build muscle with lifting weights?

Sometimes i look at myself and am so proud of my achievements so far and think go for weights and tone everything up, weight is just a number. But other times i think I'm cheating myself out of reaching my goal (i have always been terrible at reaching my goals, giving up early) and think it won't matter if you tone up because you will literally still have that *kitten*! Anyone out there had this dilemma? This is the first time all year i have been conflicted and it is showing itself in a negative way through my eating and approach to my body.

Thanks guys:flowerforyou:


  • xtreme_
    xtreme_ Posts: 25
    Better start lifting your body will look much better with the toned muscles..
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    There is no reason you can't do both. While you won't gain muscle at a deficit, you will retain lean muscle mass. I lift, but I also cardio at least a couple of times a week. Keep doing what you're doing.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    I would transition to more weight lifting. Doing that with an appropriate calorie deficit will start working your muscles (giving tone) and helping you to lose the last bit of weight. Weight lifting has been the biggest part of my exercise regime, helping me to lose 64 lbs. Cardio is good, but weight lifting is great too. Work both in for better overall fitness.

  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Hey OP!

    I started my new lifestyle on Christmas Eve 2011! What a great gift we gave ourselves!

    I didn't do much exercise beyond light yoga and getting my 10000 steps in a day while losing weight. After enjoying the impact of adding Barre3 with some light hand weights, I decided to start working out with a PT for 30 minutes 2x a week - what a difference it makes! Went from barely able to getting thru the sets with one pound weights to full body push ups and TRX lifts in three weeks... very encouraging. Posture incredible!

    My point is this - it has made a huge impact with out huge time commitment in a short time. I wish I had started it sooner. I would have enjoyed more NSV and Strength all this time...

    But I digress - I do find that every new discipline I added to my day takes an adjustment period. Some people can go faster and further on weight training earlier on, some of us are more slow and methodical. To each his or her own....enjoy the discovery process!