New to this site, also new to dieting and exercising!

I know nothing about calorie counting.. So do I burn whatever I intake? lol... Hi, I'm new as you can tell :P Name is Samantha :) I'm friendly and if you want to add me you can :) Everyone needs weight loss buddies! I really want to make this year count. I make New Years resolutions and I'm sick of putting this one on every year! Although, I'm glad some are gone :) (such as quitting smoking, go me! ) I know nothing about exercising.. I'm planning on buying some exercise home things, like the bike thing? I gotta get out walking.. sucks having no one to walk or anything with :( But I gotta get past that.... Anyhow! Hi :P Goodluck to everyone, you can do it :)


  • life1979_24
    life1979_24 Posts: 147 Member
    sent you a friend req
    welcome to mfp
    together we can all get this done
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Hey, welcome to the site! I wish you the best of luck in getting healthy. I'm new to the site too and I just found some really useful information that I think you might enjoy reading. It's in the "General Diet and Weight Loss" forum under this one. I will post a link to the most helpful sticky thread that I found because I think it will answer a lot of your questions.

    Good luck!