depression and weight gain

I tore my meniscus and ACL in a fall a couple of months back. I just had surgery after switching doctors. The other guy just wanted to "wait and see," so I limped and suffered and put on 20 pounds over 7 weeks. I made it to work every day, got my kids to school, helped with homework and made it to Boy Scout practice, fall ball, etc. At night, I would cry from exhaustion - both physical and mental. I finally chose a new doctor and he scheduled surgery within a week. Part of me feels like I will get on the other side of this. Part of me feels hopeless. My kids are young and are not being as helpful as I would like. I am supposed to stay off my leg completely for two days, but then I have to go back to work tomorrow. I wish I had chocolate right now. It is ridiculous to be in a position where the only comfort that comes to mind is food.


  • incognitocity
    incognitocity Posts: 27 Member
    i dont know what to say about your doctor situation, that seems messed up. but i can tell you that if you want to, and you work at it, you will. those two days you have to be off your feet? do it. take the doctors advice and know that those 48 hours will suck but afterwards it will get better, and its SO important you stay positive to lose weight. i was really fat and depressed for two years, i was depressed bc i was fat and fat bc i was depressed, i think hormones play a crucial part in weightloss and life. you can do it. i lost 80 lbs in 4 months with hard hard work and kept it off for a year. now im about to take off a final 25. changing my attitude changed my life.

    good luck friend!!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Hire someone (or trade services) to come by for a few hours each day to do house work or provide help you need.
  • twinkle150
    twinkle150 Posts: 133 Member
    If you are not one is going to be happy. Sometimes we have to put ourselves first...even though it is hard for us moms. Give yourself a break. Take the 2 days to recoup and decide to make some changes. Maybe there is a family member that can help with getting kids to some of the activities. Sometimes our kids are exhausted with all the activities we sign them up for too.