The Wall

Hi I'm Debbie. My goal is to lose 200lbs. I have lost 90 in the past 4 yrs, but gained back 25 in the last 4 months due to illness. I have seem the "Wall" and I'm not going back.

12 yrs ago I became disabled from a very rare disease, The only treatment was high (I mean very high!) doses of prednisone on and off for 5 yrs. If you don't know what prednisone can do to you it's not good. You gain weight and there is no way to keep it off. I gained over 175 lbs on a body that was already obese. I couldn't walk without a walker, couldn't shower without a chair, I couldn't fit in the car with out a extension belt. I wore a size 6x in Women within and Roaman's. At my top weight 430 I told the Drs I would rather die that take anymore prednisone. At that time I was going once a month to have 500mg of IV prednisone. After my 9th month of IV I had enough and went cold turkey(not a good idea) off all prednisone and gave my health and life to God. 6 mos later I was in remission and have stayed in remission for the last 5 yrs. But due to all that junk I'm left with a body of junk. I found a dr who cared and I lost 90lb with her help. This yr the damage done to my bones has taken it's toll and I was flat on my back for 4 mos in more pain than ever before. I gained back 25 lb and now that I'm feeling better I decided I'm not going back.

Monday was Day One! I'm seeing my dr monthly and doing the best I can to move. I have to be very careful not to hurt my back again or I'll be out again. I have been doing some walking and stretches that my PT helped me with.

I'm 57, married 40 yrs this Feb to James, I have 2 sons. Jamie, 35, in the AF, married and lives in CA. Steven, 33, just got a new job he loves and he lives in town close by. I'm a Christian and I know that God has saved my life 5 times in the last 12 yrs. I have chronic pain and both my hubby and I are living on Disability only. He is 63, Deaf and has Arthritis everywhere. I love gardening, going to church, and reading my bible.

I have been reading some of the posts and everyone seems to be so amazing. I hope to lose another 90 before the winter is over. One day at a time with God at my side. Thank you for reading.