College Male Calories

I am a 5’ 7 male, 18 years old. I weigh about 110 pounds. I am looking to clean bulk. I am aiming for 2500 calories. Is that too much/ not enough? I'm thinking of bumping this to 2700 or 3000 since I haven't gined in 1.5 weeks and I am very hungry at 2500 calories.

Here is my daily nutrition (not listed in specific order, remember I have a weird schedule because of school):
• Quest bar 200 calories
• Jif to go peanut butter (250 calories)
• 3 hard boiled eggs, 250 calories (or another grilled chicken breast)
• Three protein bar snacks throughout day: (3 bars for 600 calories)
1.Nature valley chewy protein bar, 190 calories
2. Pure protein bar 200 calories
3. Another protein bar snack that was listed above (200 calories)
• Two grilled chicken breast patties from my school cafeteria. Very hard to estimate the calories from the two patties. Below are pictures of the chicken. In photo there is pen next to them for size reference. (400 calories)
• Side dish with the chicken (100 calories)
• Three to four apples a day (300~400calories)
• Salad and veggies (200~300 calories)

Final estimation: 2500 calories (maybe a little less)
130~150 grams protein
I know this looks boring but I like the foods, will not get bored of them, and I’m very limited with me being in college. I need portable snacks.

I lift three days a week. I do a full body lift and this lasts about 1 hour.
I do cardio 4 times a week. Usually stationary bike. This is moderate and lasts 30 minutes.
I walk 1 to 2 hours a day.

Should I stick with 2500 or is that too little?
What exactly does 300 calories of plain garden salad look like? I just want to make sure my calorie guesses are accurate.
Is that too many calories from fruit? I love fruit and don't want to reduce it.
How many calories do you think are actually in the chicken?
Any recommendations for that last 100 calories with dinner?

How many calories are two chickens of this size? My guess is 400.

Since I can't post images, go to imgur . com/ put either of these:


  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Calculate your estimated energy needs. 2500 for a young male is probably not enough for a bulk. I'm 23, 169, female, but 2400 is close to my net maintenance needs. and both have calculators.

    Add ~200 cals to your maintenance needs, or you can do 5% more than maintenance and add 50 cals if not gaining half a lb a week. Make sure you get in enough protein (the amount needed is not set in stone - for me, 1.2g per lean body mass seems to work well as a minimum) and strength train properly.

    A large chicken breast can easily be a few hundred cals.
  • Boccellin
    Boccellin Posts: 137 Member
    You definitely should not reduce your fruit. The amount of fruit your eating might be a little low in fact. Plus, I would try to vary it a bit. Oranges and bananas are just as portable as apples. Also, it really doesn't seem like you eat any carbs. If you want to go low carb that's fine, but this seems VERY low....
  • richlamb89
    I read a book by David Zincenko, "The New Abs Diet"
    The information in that book has helped me make more informed choices of what to eat. It explains all about the different types of fat, HFCS and all the other stuff.
    It's well worth a read, and it'll help i'm sure.
    It also depends when you're eating, and how much each time.
    There's two trains of thoughts in terms of protein. Either 1.2g per KG of mass, or 2.2g per KG. I currently work on about 130g a day and i'm 87kg.
    Don't cut carbs completely. I eat Wholemeal Bread atleast twice a day. (Hovis Granary WHOLEMEAL)
    You need some sort of natural fats in your diet, your body needs it.
    You should be eating every 2.5/3 hours. and you need to eat within 30mins of waking up.
    Water, drink plenty of water. 500ml per meal time.
    Hope this helps.

    Here's a link for the book.
  • Glitch267
    So 3000 calories?