When do you crave sweets? I crave it when i overeat.



  • geneticsteacher
    geneticsteacher Posts: 623 Member
    I usually crave carbs such as cereal or crackers, but today I baked a cake. It is truly the BEST cake I have ever made - banana cake with cream cheese frosting. Ingredients include white flour, white sugar, full fat sour cream, butter, and full fat cream cheese and more butter in the frosting. 778 calories per serving. :sad: I had 1/5 of one piece and that will probably be it.
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    When I'm awake. :laugh:
  • Jesssamesssa
    Jesssamesssa Posts: 116 Member
    I am a sweet a holic.....but I have noticed that my CHOCOLATE protein shakes keep me from wanting sweets. Try that!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I tend to have my worst sweets cravings when I'm feeling tired, sick, or rundown. It's like my body's looking for a pick-me-up.

    This. Also sometimes still when I'm stressed (although this isn't as consistently an issue as it used to be now that I'm out of the habit of satisfying it), and off and on I get cravings before my period. Also, if I've been undereating for my activity level it will sometimes hit me.

    Carbs are fine for me so long as I eat them with other foods.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Right before AF shows. The week before I'm usually trying to eat all the chocolate. I found the Fiber One 90 calorie brownies.. works for my sweet tooth, gives me more fiber, and doesn't derail me like my homemade brownies usually do.
  • ironsun
    ironsun Posts: 30
    In the afternoon when I'm ready for a break from work.
  • sallybaine
    sallybaine Posts: 15 Member
    I only crave sweets on days that end in "y."

    Bahaha. Sweets are the first thing I think about in the morning when I wake up, and the last thing I think above before bed.

    I would give up sex for the rest of my life if chocolate brownies had 0 calories.