Binger ready to make changes but in need of help

Hello! I am a university student who has been struggling with binge eating off and on for about a year, however since I came back from my trip in the summer it has become quite bad. I binge frequently when I am alone or over-stressed. I don't understand why I do it as I always feel worse afterwards. I am nervous for my health, my wellbeing as this is getting in the way of my life and happiness, and I am tired of being this way also for how it effects my relationship with my longterm boyfriend. I have pretty low self-esteem and am a high-stress person. I can get overwhelmed fairly easily and over-think things. Growing up I moved schools a lot and was teased. I didn't have my a boyfriend until the end of highschool, so I think my low self-esteem stems from all this. I want to be happier and stop binging as it embarrasses me, makes me feel so guilty and sad, and its wasteful and damaging. I keep telling myself I have to stop and have tried, but I obviously can't do it alone. I've never been on an online forum/community for anything, but as I am an introverted person and not quite able to talk about it out loud yet, I thought I would take this leap out of my comfort zone and ask for help and support. I love being active and frequently do at home workouts so if anyone has any cool workouts as well, I hope you'll share.