
Hi all! My name is Erik and I have been trying to find and stick with a healthy life habit for several years now. I have done some research into what's out there, and have tried various things, but what it comes down to is finding the kick I need to get active when I'm in a slump and don't really feel like doing anything. Anyway, I'm going to keep searching for that kick and might find it in a health/fitness social community.

Personal habits: 45 years old, 6'4", 320 lbs, active in dog walking, trail biking, and riding motocross. I have tried a gym membership, and have recently purchased a bowflex and will use that in conjunction with my other activities. I will also use a treadmill at home, and various circuits I can do at home. I have just moved and am finishing school with a BS degree, so now I can get back into the swing of finding health and lower weight.
