Scale not budging.

Been trying to lose some extra weight I gained this year but after every week I weigh in and nothing is lost. Argh, it really puts a damper on my spirit. How does everyone try to stay motivated if the weight isn't budging, I feel like giving in but I really don't want to :(


  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    I'm looking at your photo. How much do you want to lose? Are you weight training?
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    When you're already so thin the losses will come very slowly. If you concentrate on exercise, it'll happen a little faster.

    But you won't lose as quickly as someone who is actually fat, so don't compare your loss to theirs. Eat right, exercise and wait. It'll happen. :)
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    Been trying to lose some extra weight I gained this year but after every week I weigh in and nothing is lost. Argh, it really puts a damper on my spirit. How does everyone try to stay motivated if the weight isn't budging, I feel like giving in but I really don't want to :(

    Have you been weighing your food? Have you looked up a TDEE and a BMR calculator?

    I just read a post the other day that recommended eating at maintenance for two weeks then switching back to your deficit. The link is below and the post is by vismal.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    You are either not eating at a deficit or your deficit is not large enough to see quicker losses, or you are retaining water and thus not losing scale weight, etc etc.
  • How many weeks has this been going on for? I know most people say to weigh once a week, but I personally find it helpful to weigh every day and then focus on the overall trend rather than individual data points. If you weigh once a week, you could have just caught yourself on an upward fluctuation that day.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    I agree with the above post. If you weigh once a week, you might be catching your body on a bad day. I find that when the weather is hot, I weigh more. Also, if I've had grapefruit the day before, I weigh less. It's just water, of course, but when you're being so good, you want the numbers on the scale to validate your effort!

    This time around, I'm weighing everything I eat. It's much more accurate than measuring, and that's especially important when you're eating a high calorie food like nuts or dried fruit. Calorie content listed on packages can also be misrepresented, so if you're eating lots of packaged food, be careful.

    I also think, contrary to popular opinion, that not every calorie is the same. I think some foods get metabolized differently because they affect hormones that will either help or hinder calorie burning.

    Drinking lots of water helps with weight loss too. We all have heard this, but it's hard to do. I've had to set goals for water drinking and take those goals as seriously as my food goals.

    Good luck, and don't give up! I hope the scale goes down soon!
  • I know its hard to continue when you have not seen any results but its also important to stick to your plan until you win. Its important to count your calories always take care how much calories your take and how much calories you burn from your daily exercise routine . You can make changes in your daily routine, try some different exercise so you will not feel bore and always get motivated.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Looking at your profile picture, you don't look like you need to lose weight?

    Is this vanity pounds your talking about?

    Whats your stats at the moment?

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Stats please?
    To stay motivated, you just DO, everyday, its part of life like brushing your teeth.
  • Eidson50
    Eidson50 Posts: 6 Member
    I find that I go about 3 weeks without losing anything and then lose 3 or 4 pounds in one week. At first I would get very frustrated because I would think I was doing everything right and nothing was coming off. Now I know that is how my body works. I have lost 27 pounds and it has taken me about 6 months which is kind of slow I guess, but I figure those 6 months were going to pass anyway! Good luck.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    How are you determining that you are in a caloric deficit? Are you accurately tracking what you are eating?
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Since your diary is locked I can't give much advice on what your eating, but maybe try and be a bit more active and the scale might move in your favor.

    It doesn't appear that you have any weight to lose at all...