Question about loose skin?

Hello! This is my first post on the boards, so excuse me if this is the wrong category!

So I've recently tried to start losing weight. I've been overweight for as long as I can remember, and I want to finally fix that. I'm 20 years old and I weigh 301 pounds. I've cut out pop entirely (I was drinking a two liter a day on average!) and replaced it with 3 cups green tea and at least 8 cups of water a day. I've been eating clean and counting calories and so far I haven't gone over my calorie goal.

My question is- do people always get loose skin after losing lots of weight? And if so, is there anything I can do to take care of my skin as a preventative measure while I'm losing the weight? I don't have a specific weight goal in mind but I'm guesstimating at 150.

Thanks in advance!


  • birdiep
    birdiep Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, there will be loose skin, but your age is on your side! Fortunately your skin should have elasticity and you should still have healthy connective tissue. Exercise to keep good muscle tone is the best thing to minimize the appearance of sagging skin. It is also more metabolically active and burns more energy. Congratulations to you on your decision for better health!
  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    In all honesty, the chances are quite high that there will be loose skin when you get down to a healthy BMI. How much loose skin is mainly down to genetics followed by how quickly you loose the weight.
    I'm loosing the best part of 100 lbs. I've done loads of research on other people loosing 100 lbs and haven't found/seen one that hasn't got any loose skin at all. Again, the factors vary a lot from still having a flat tummy with a small amount of skin at the bottom or having it from every part of your body.
    It made me really sad at the beginning of my weight loss but I've come to terms with it now. The confidence I've already gained is worth it alone. And surgery is always an option too.