Breakfast ideas please for body fat % reduction

Hi All!

First time I've posted on this forum, can you help me come up with some breakfast ideas please?

I eat breakfast at 7.15am before work, do my workouts at 6pm after work. Next snack at 10.30 and then lunch at 1.

Current stats, not sure if you need this to help make good suggestions.

Monday - Cardio; Tuesday - Running - Wednesday - rest; Thursday - HIIT; Friday - Weights; Sunday - Weights

Age 27
Weight (Kg) 87.8
Weight (Stone) 13st 11lb
Height (Meters) 1.79
Height (Feet) 5' 10.4''
BMI 27.4
Body Fat % 20.3%
Body Fat Mass (Kg) 17.8

Goal is to get down to 15% Body Fat Percentage.

Any help would be appreciated!



  • surfnc11
    I have been having a small cut up apple, almond butter, and some egg whites. It gets a little bland after a few days, so ill put different stuff in the egg whites. Salsa, small amount of cheese, peppers, whatever. Simply to break the monotony.
  • donalynvaughn
    donalynvaughn Posts: 23 Member
    I do a green smoothie every morning. About 2 cups greens (spinach or kale usually), a 1/2 cup frozen fruit (blueberries, strawberries, peaches, blackberries, or banana), 1 cup almond milk (I do unsweetened), 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt for protein, and a tablespoon of flax meal or raw cacao or PB2. Sometimes I had whey protein powder instead of the Greek yogurt.
  • Glowiie1
    Glowiie1 Posts: 85 Member
    Ever had veggies for breakfast? Not sure about you, but I crave carbs in the morning, so I give my body the good kinds up front! I make a green smoothie every morning. Here's my favorite recipe:

    Base recipe:
    2 cups spinach
    1 cup mixed frozen fruit (I find that it tastes best with yellow/orange fruits like pineapple, mango, etc. Strawberries and blueberries aren't flavorful enough IMHO)
    1 banana (really important for texture. It really smoothes it out).
    1 cup water
    This is usually around 150-200 cal. depending on your fruit choices.

    Other additions:
    Any green algaes (no more than a tbs or it's gross!)
    Chia seeds
    Flax seeds
    protein powders

    OTherwise, try a salad for breakfast. You'd be surprised how light and content you feel. Plus it's low cal, which means you still have a lot of calories left to eat all day.
  • Glowiie1
    Glowiie1 Posts: 85 Member
    I do a green smoothie every morning. About 2 cups greens (spinach or kale usually), a 1/2 cup frozen fruit (blueberries, strawberries, peaches, blackberries, or banana), 1 cup almond milk (I do unsweetened), 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt for protein, and a tablespoon of flax meal or raw cacao or PB2. Sometimes I had whey protein powder instead of the Greek yogurt.

    HA you read my mind :drinker:
  • berz82
    berz82 Posts: 100 Member
    protein shake then something else with protein after it with rice. like chicken and rice. i like to do cardio before it on an empty stomach. so the shake is just perfect before eating solids.
  • simmondsjon
    simmondsjon Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the replies so far, I have to say I can't think of anything worse than salad for breakfast!