Hello World.

Hi, I'm Dave alot of my friends call me Munkee, if you saw me in person it makes sense, aside from a love of bananas, its something about the movement.

recently my wife and I started blogging about our weight loss journey. After that initial step into taking what we have done public I decided to tap into fitness communities for further inspiration and encouragement, and perhaps our success/journey can inspire and help others with their own.

About August of 2013 both my wife hand I had become dissatisfied with how our bodies had become over the years, I started to worry about my own health and mortality etc, probably something to do with getting close to 40. so we both decided to change our diet and exercise and get in better condition, if we fast forward till now just over a year from that point its been going rather well.

I have lost 95 pounds (done in the first 6 months, in retrospect I wish I had gone slightly slower) and my wife as of this morning has lost 118 pounds. It hasn't been a straight line journey and we have both worked hard to change both our minds and habits, but our story is proof.

It can be done, it doesn't have to involve hours in the gym, or a diet of rabbit food. It just requires determination and a desire to be more and do more. hopefully by joining a community like this I can both be inspired to continue as I enter the second phase and attempt to climb the hill of muscle gain/definition, and can encourage others.

One thing we definitely do is combine our total, what still astounds me is that in just over a year we have lost the equivalent of a 6'2" adult male who is actually slightly overweight.

Dave "Munkee"