Carb Cycling Results so far.

Is it possible losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time? I think so! Well it's what I'm doing now. It's all about eating the right things at the right time and having the right workout plan to go right along with it. 3 months into my journey and only lost 13 pounds but the majority of it is all fat and still gained nearly 5 pound of lean muscle mass.

Monday and Tuesday are my Power lifting days so high carb on those days. My macros are 50% carbs 40% protein 10% fats. After lifting I also do qbout 15 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill.

Wednesday - Saturday I eat low carb and Focus on Hypertrophy lifting on those days and as well do HIIT on the treadmill. My macros on those days are 10% carbs 40% protein 50% fats. (wednesday is an off day so I focus on slow state cardio).

Sunday is my off rest day. I usually use this day for a cheat meal and relax a bit with the macros. usually try to stay at 40% protein 30% carbs 30% fats.

Are there any other carb cyclers that have had good results so far??


  • PwrLftr82
    PwrLftr82 Posts: 945 Member
    Awesome! Can't wait to see where this continues to take you.
  • kcjchang
    kcjchang Posts: 709 Member
    Yes, lower calories intake below maintenance while make sure calories eaten has higher percentage of lean protein makeup while lowering carbohydrates to induce ketosis. Just started including structural refeed, carbohydrate re-infusion, with my diet (a modified protein sparing modified fast; e.g. less fasting) to offset metabolic slow down (and boost hormonal levels) caused by dieting. It's on a six week cycle for now until I get more fit. Typical cycle is closer to two weeks for competition body builders and other extreme athletes trying to make weight. Not really seeing any cycling on your example but if it works, great.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    I don't do carb cycle but I had pretty good gains losing fat and gaining muscle.I tried Carb Cycle for 3 weeks which was slowing down my fat burn, so I just didn't bother to cycle.
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