Looking for fellow runners

I've been running for sometime now. My average pace is about 10 minutes. I usually run the local 5k and 8k races and consider myself an intermediate runner (as opposed to the couch to 5k crowd). I have my sites set on a half marathon in May. Even though that's still 7 months away, I want to start training now (you know just increase my speed and endurance).
I recently downloaded the Nike+ running app to help me train. I found, even on my first run with it, it's better than the app I was using. Is there anyone else out there that uses this app and want to become MFP friends? I'm always up for a good challenge with fellow runners.


  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    I use mapmyrun it has been good for me. I usually log 20-30 miles a week. I have my first half in February.

  • bkbenda
    bkbenda Posts: 265 Member
    Can't help you with that app but I use Runkeeper. It has free training plans. I just finished sub 2:30 half marathon and ran my 1st half on Saturday in 2:26:19. Just starting sub 2:15 plan. You should check out this monthly running challenge. It's not too late to join for this month. Great accountability and motivation. Also join the group page.


  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I use Runtastic. When I was trying to lose weight I would do about 35 miles a week. It was perfect training for a half marathon which I entered the day after I spotted it in the morning paper.
  • mommamandyloo
    mommamandyloo Posts: 19 Member
    I don't use an app (yet), but I am desperate for fellow runner friends.

    Many moons ago I was training for the ALS half. But got prwgnant, got out of shape, got pregnant again... and now here I am. Back, and with the same goal, but essentially starting all over.

    In my prime I was about a 8:15 mile. Right now at 5 months pp and about 2 months training I'm at about an 11 minute mile.

    I run roughly 4 times a week, all treadmill right now. I'm having a crazy hard time making the jump to pavement, and have been talking with a trainer. Looks like trail runs are where I'm headed next.

    Apart from running... I think i have 40 pounds I'd like to lose. I say think because the last time I was at that number I was a college freshman, recovering anorexic with a beer gut. Now that I'm a runner and strength trainer, I recognize that the size i seek and my final number may be higher than it was with my old body composition.

    If you think I'm cool to consult with, add me as a friend!☺
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    All are welcome to add me!

    I have run off and on for years, but wasn't consistent about it until last spring. I started somewhere in the 13 min/mile range, but now comfortably run a 10:30 pace for up to 6 miles. I had a 12 mile run on Saturday and averaged 11:15, which was a little faster than my goal for that run! My 3rd half marathon is on October 19th, and I'm running another half on December 13th. I plan on 2 more half marathons and a 25k in the spring, along with some 5k's & 10k's this winter.

    I don't use an app, but have been very happy with Hal Higdon's training plans. I've used 2 of the half marathon ones and the intermediate 8k helped me take nearly 2 min/mile off my 8k time!
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I'm not using that app either, sorry. :flowerforyou:

    I've been using Zombies, Run to keep me entertained and track my distances and times (used to use Strava with it, but it turns out the two come out exactly the same).

    I'm using Hal Higdon's half marathon training like the previous poster. I'm using the version for beginners since I went into it straight out of C25K after finding I had no real problem with three 6mi runs per week. My comfortable pace is 9:50 for the 3-6 mi runs, I purposefully slow down to 10:30-11:00 for the long run (and still am usually dragging my *kitten* for the last mile).

    I'm supposed to be doing the 9 mi long run this week, but I just came back from a 2 wk vacation and my legs felt like lead for my last two runs. I'm going to do my best to get the full distance, but I may need to repeat the previous week instead. *grumble*