fitness blender - 4 week meal plan?



  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    emmy9434 wrote: »
    I've been wondering if I should get it too. Rlly want to. The plan is all laid out for you and the foods aren't too difficult to make, or get a hold of. :)

    And contrary to what these people are saying, being healthy isn't all about hitting a "calorie target" it includes eating the most nutrition dense foods possible & filling calories, not filling ur body with nutrition lacking food because it's "low calorie". It's better to eat 1000 calories of nutrition dense food than 1000 calories of McDonalds. Your body breaks down healthy foods better, and there's a certain amount of proteins, fats, and carbs that it requires.

    With fitness blenders plan, they take all of these things into consideration and in doing so, make it that the people following it are rarely hungry, eating regularly, and losing weight in the process (or gaining, if that's your goal). Old thread I know, just thought I should say this.

    nope your body breaks down 1000cal of "healthy" foods the same way it breaks down 1000cal of mcdonalds/wendy's etc - its not like your stomach looks at the food and says ohhh salad, i'm going to digest like x, ohhh mcdonalds, going to digest like y

    what you are really talking about satity - do the foods make you feel full and satiate you, or will you want to keep eating, even after eating 1000cal of Mcdonalds...and that is a very individual thing
  • perriwinklejones
    perriwinklejones Posts: 11 Member
    I know this thread is hella old but just wanted to add, if anyone is thinking about trying out either the meal plan or workout plans, they normally do 50% off for cyber monday, so if your on the fence that would be a good time to buy!
  • jnburtman
    jnburtman Posts: 5 Member
    What they just did this week was releases a printable 4 page PDF for the meal plan. That's what's new. But it's still $25. Was just wondering if people liked it. I thought it was free at first, but I was wrong.