Developing PCOS after pregnancy?

Hello, I am asking a question because I honestly don't know the answer to it. My wife and I both lost a ton of weight. She was on the pill during the whole weight loss period, then went off the pill. We have been trying to have a child for 10 months now, but to no avail. She is thinking she might have PCOS, as she has many of the symptoms. Is it possible for massive weight loss to "trigger" PCOS? Maybe it was muted before, but after weight loss came on full force? Probably a dumb question, but I honestly don't know anything about this. I know many women here have it, and would have probably done more and better research than my 5 minutes googling it.

EDIT: messed up the title. PCOS after weight loss. Derp.


  • Archerychickge
    Archerychickge Posts: 606 Member
    I think those are questions best asked of an endocrinologist and her OB/GYN. I have PCOS and endometriosis as well but haven't had the same PCOS related struggles with weight loss that others here have had. My understanding is that PCOS typically makes it very difficult to lose weight because of the effect it has on the body's ability to process sugars in the blood stream and being insulin resistant.

    Again, talk to your wife's doctors. While there are alot of knowledgable folks here, there are also alot of internet "experts" who don't know jack.