Hello Everyone

I am brand new to MFP and am excited about all of the potential in losing weight and feeling better about myself. I started logging in the food diary today and I am a bit nervous because it doesnt seem like anything I am going to be eating today will make a difference as far as the calorie counter goes. I am wanting to lose 40 pounds by next summer and I am not sure if the diet will change much which really gets my spirits down. I live a pretty active lifestyle as far as chasing three young children and I play a variety of sports so I am hoping to get ideas and suggestions to get through this!

Thanks for reading! :)



  • Darkhawk1969
    Darkhawk1969 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Always happy to make new friends, but l come with a word of warning

    1. I log daily
    2. If you dont log in for over 10 days, your gone
    3. I like to have a laugh
    4. I speak my mind
    5. l flirt
    6. I live in the North East

    If after that you think you would like to get to know me better, send me a request with a message,

    Are you brave enough lol
  • msalamun
    msalamun Posts: 116 Member
    Welcome! Glad to read that you're excited at this prospect of losing weight, and you should be! MFP is a great community for doing just that! There's always someone who can help answer your questions or give you the motivation you need to succeed! And while it may not seem like much now, eating healthy foods at a deficit and tracking what you eat, over the course of time you will lose that weight! Remember, weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint! Do this consistently and you will see results by next summer! I promise you! And don't think of it as diet; think of it as a lifestyle change for the better! You got this!
  • lee134
    lee134 Posts: 280 Member
    Welcome aboard! Glad you are here.