Weight gain with antidepressants! HELP!

I need HELP! I know how to lose weight. I've done it before. I exercise 5-6 days a week, a good variety of cardio and weights and eat healthy 80% of the time. When I began Lexapro 5 years ago the weight started creeping on. Within the last week my doctor started weaning me from 40mg per day to 30mg and by next week he wants me on 20mg per day. He has added Wellbutrin and is hoping to replace the Lexapro all together after I'm weaned off. I'm experiencing terrible side effects (Hello! brain zaps?!) but I'm really worried about my weight. a month ago I was 135 lbs. then i got really depressed and ate my way up to 139. However this past week I haven't overdone anything and am still exercising, yet I am at 144! How did I gain 5 pounds in a week??? Has anyone been through this? I'd love to hear from you.


  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    5 lbs. in a week is probably a lot of water weight. You're weaning off one drug and starting another - that's a lot of change for your body. Give yourself time to finish weaning from the Lexapro (brain zaps suck, but will go away eventually) - until then, just eat within reason as best you can and try not to stress too much. I know it's tough - hang in there!