Should I see a doctor?

I've been going running almost every other day for three months and I have not seen any improvement on my out-of-breath situation. I am in a healthy weight category, so I would think it wouldn't be THIS hard, but I literally start running short of breath within just a few moments of running. I am typically out of breath within 30 seconds. I am not seeing any improvement despite my vigilance. I'm starting to feel like my efforts are for naught. I should also mention I've been like this since I was a very, very small child. Despite there being children significantly more overweight than I was, I was always the slowest in my class.

Is there something that could cause this? I'm not one to call out "condishuns," but I really feel like there's something wrong here, rather than just simply being out of shape.


  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    Do you have asthma? Do you get out of breath from other cardio? What is your pace like with running? If you are concerned see a doctor
  • Jayma375
    Jayma375 Posts: 60 Member
    It sounds like you probably should see a physician. They may want to do a pulmonary function test to determine your lung status. It's an easy test and should give you and your doctor information as to next steps.
  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    If you get out of breath from other cardio, then it's probably best to see a doctor. Also, could it be that you are trying to go too fast? What is your pace?