Loose saggy skin...tips?



  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    After I lost 115 pounds, I went and had surgery to remove excess skin from the belly. The surgeon said it was 26 pounds he removed, and it was nearly all fat and some skin. While I don't regret having the surgery, it was REALLY hard to recover from, and REALLY threw a wrench into my weight loss plans. After having that, I was close to 220-230 pounds. I "only" had about 50 pounds to lose to get the rest of the excess skin removed.

    I'm not sure what or how it happened, but I totally lost my appetite. You don't get to be 376 pounds without loving to eat - and now, I had literally no appetite whatsoever. People said when I did eat, I started to get my color back, and they could tell when it wore off, because the color would drain from my face.

    Now - I can say that if I knew then what I know now, I would have asked more questions about the recovery. I ended up needing to take probiotics and fiber to get the "belly flora" better. I also asked the surgeon that I had been told fat contained hormones - he said yes. SO I checked with my OB/GYN and did need to get the hormones fixed up.

    I did end up gaining back 100 pounds - so most, but not all of the weight I lost. I've recently lost about 8 pounds in the last month, and it's my hope/plan to finish the job I started several years ago so I can get the rest of the excess skin removed from my legs/back and get the "girls" fixed up too.

    I'm currently at 44 pounds lost. I want to lose about 150 more which will put me in range to get the surgery - and after that I'll be within reasonable range to hit the upper end of my BMI.