New From Liverpool

Just trying this out really, soo far soo good but still a load i don't understand!

i just lived in Sydney for the year and added a few too many KG to my weight soo my aim is to lose it all over the next few weeks or months!

anyways if any one wants to add us give tips that be cool :D



  • carolyne2
    carolyne2 Posts: 109
    Hi Mike,

    Good luck from the Midlands, sounds like you haven't got too much to loose but I think you are doing the right thing in checking it early before it gets out of hand. You can add me if you like as your friend, its good to exchange tips etc. but also good to have a friend to moan to on the bad days.:bigsmile:
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi Mke,

    Good luck on your journey. I'm in London and would also like to welcome you on aboard. Just started last Tuesday 28th December and also lots I don't understand, but have managed to stay within my daily food 'number'. Add me, if you want.
