Several Sites for Newbie Runners

DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
If you've been thinking about getting into running and not sure the best way to get into it, here are some sites to help you.
This first site worked for many people here and myself. I was not a runner or even a walker a year ago and I couldn't run one minute without feeling like my lungs were going to explode. I'm now averaging running over 20 miles a week (and I didn't get started on this program until 7 months ago). This is due to "The Couch-to-5K" program or C25K. You can find out how it's done here for free:

Or you could pay for the whole training program that gives you a calender, podcast, and other things here:

Once you get to running or even walking all the time you'll want to keep better track of your distances, routes/maps, and pace/speed you're going at, this site is great for keeping track of your progress (and it's free):

Finally, once you're running/other exercise regularly you'll like to be kept up to date on running advise and you can find that here:

Good luck to everybody and hope to see ya on the streets soon.


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