Back Again

Hi, my name is Michelle and I'm back again. I lost 20 lbs about 2 years ago with the help of this site, but got lazy and have gained all of it back plus more. I HAVE GOT TO GET MOTIVATED AND GET TO MY IDEAL WEIGHT!! UGH


  • Kendra7107
    Welcome back!! You lost the weight before and you can lose it again. The past is the past so let it go and move forward. That is what I keep telling myself. :bigsmile: I too have put some weight back on and I can't believe it did!! I felt so certain I would keep it off, but hey it happens.

    All that matters is you are back!! You can do it!!
  • formichelle
    Thanks for the encourgement Kendra, I had forgotten how much I miss this site as I was clicking through stuff. It's good to be back, and congrats on your 7 lbs lost:)