Gotta hit my goal weight before I turn 30!

HMKan Posts: 472 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Anyone else out there needing to drop around 80 pounds in a year? Is it even possible? Where to begin!


  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm lookin' to drop 65 lbs this year (I'm 26).
  • Maghenta
    Maghenta Posts: 100
    Am also hoping to drop 60lbs hopefully by May!!!!!!!! :frown: so far am eating jst about my 1200 daily calories and working out 6 times per week..... So far I have lost 4lbs... Am loving this site.
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 776 Member
    I turn 30 in July and I'm aiming to lose at least 30 by my 30th. Then a bunch more after that!
  • My friend lost 50lbs in 6 months, and hasn't stopped there. You can do it, just keep moving and keep logging ALL food! It's not a race, but it does get easier once the habits are there and the scale starts moving :)
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Yes, yes yes!! I will be 30 this October and I just set a goal today to lose 80 pounds by October !! My b-day is the 23rd!
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    That's what i'm going for! 3 months down, 9 to go! I think 80 pounds is possible.
  • helenlou84
    helenlou84 Posts: 5 Member
    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
    need to lose weight for my wedding, anyone else
  • I'll be 30 at the end of the month...I'm almost to my goal weight. Just about 6 more to go! GOOD LUCK
  • qtwells82
    qtwells82 Posts: 352
    Yes, yes yes!! I will be 30 this October and I just set a goal today to lose 80 pounds by October !! My b-day is the 23rd!

    My daughters birthday is also the 23rd :happy: Yay for October Birthdays!!
  • qtwells82
    qtwells82 Posts: 352
    66 pounds until my goal weight!
  • Maghenta
    Maghenta Posts: 100
    My B-day is in May.... and I will be turning 33 yrs old.... My goal is to lose at least 60lbs by then so that I can finally wear a BIKINI for the 1st time in my life..... :blushing:
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    It's ABSOLUTELY do-able!! You want to lose 80 pounds in a year. One year is 52 weeks. 80 pounds divided over 52 weeks is 1.54 pounds per week. TOTALLY doable with a good eating and exercise plan. Check in with yourself at the beginning of every month to make sure you're still on track and probably to change up your exercise program as your body gets used to it. Gotta keep your muscles guessing in order to lose weight. :) Buena suerte!
  • I hear ya! I'll be 28 here in a month and I want to step into 29 as a whole new person.
  • syd1920
    syd1920 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I turn 30 this year too! I am not going to reach my goal by my birthday but I hope to be half way there.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Completely with ya! I have been setting my mini goals. I turn 29 in April and have a lot to accomplish this year. I am going to do a 1/2 marathon in December so I definitely need to unload 80 lbs. this year.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    80 lbs is very doable. I will hopefully hit 80lbs which is only 7 more pounds in a year which will be in 6 weeks.
  • JSprad
    JSprad Posts: 31
    I want to lose 85-90! How did I let it get this bad?? :noway:
  • borys12
    borys12 Posts: 98

    It's quite easy, my goal is 100 pounds, 70 already done in 9 months. So stick to the rules,
    diet, exercising. I never thought I could do it !
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    It IS possible - but you should realize that sometimes setting an aggressive goal and stressing over meeting that arbitrary deadline can just make things worse. If you stick to it, sure, it's possible to lose 80 lbs in a year, but it won't be easy, and there won't be much room for you to fall off the wagon. It would be much better of for you to decide right now that you're changing your lifestyle and habits to improve your health - weight loss is part of it, but not the be-all-end-all goal. If your each 80 lbs by your birthday then that's great, but it would still be great if you only lost 20 or 40 or 60 lbs. The more important goal is changing your habits so that you're treating your body with the respect it deserves. :flowerforyou:
  • It IS possible - but you should realize that sometimes setting an aggressive goal and stressing over meeting that arbitrary deadline can just make things worse. If you stick to it, sure, it's possible to lose 80 lbs in a year, but it won't be easy, and there won't be much room for you to fall off the wagon. It would be much better of for you to decide right now that you're changing your lifestyle and habits to improve your health - weight loss is part of it, but not the be-all-end-all goal. If your each 80 lbs by your birthday then that's great, but it would still be great if you only lost 20 or 40 or 60 lbs. The more important goal is changing your habits so that you're treating your body with the respect it deserves. :flowerforyou:

    here, here!!!! :) i second his sentiments.

    good luck to you in your journey. i know you can do it! you've already taken the active steps towards a healthier you by being on here. here's to 2011!
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