Hi All

cbevan Posts: 31 Member
Nice to meet you! I'm a 33 yo female in Charlotte NC, married, no kids, one dog, and a career I love.

I quit smoking back in June and have gained 20lbs since then. I didn't worry too much about the weight at first, since the benefits of quitting far outweigh the risks of the weight gain, but now that I feel good and solid with my quit, it's time to work on the weight.

My big goal is just to take of the 20lbs I put on, but ideally I'd like to take off another 10 - 15 after that. Trying to keep it reasonable, and just go for about a pound per week.


  • lrmwiggins
    First, congrats on quitting smoking, that is super hard!! This site seems to be pretty awesome so....GOOD LUCK!! :happy:
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Great job quitting, been two years for me!!! Yay us! I too gained weight so here I am, a quitter and working on being a loser, lol, welcome to the club... :smile: