Work out! No one is watching!!

arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I will do what I do and tell a story.

When I started at the gym I was 47 yrs old, 170 pounds of dead weight, and was winded going up the stairs to get to the cardio equipment. I mean I literally had to stop at the 20th step to catch my breath.

I used the treadmill, but wouldn't go near the weights or the Eliptical machine. The Elip seemed like a mountain to climb for me.

I had a young hot studly friend who was a trainer there. He came over one day, took me by the hand and lead me to the elip. He told me to start at 1 minute if I must, but I MUST.

So I did my one minute and thought the alarms would go off and the oxygen mask was going to fall from the ceiling like on an airplane!! But it didnt.

I worked up to about 6 minutes over a 2 week period, when one night a young cutie guy came and stood in front of me, waiting for the machine, He apparently thought I would either die or stop very soon.

This really pissed me off so I decided to go until he walked away. Well, the SOB stood there for another 30 minutes, meaning I continued on the Elip for almost 40 min straight............and no they didnt have to call the ambulance!!

As I exited the machine I said to him " thought you were gonna get a machine quick in front of this fat old lady, huh??!!" in between gasps of breath.....

He looks at me " Hey lady, didnt even notice you, I was waiting for my girlfriend who is working out beside you!"

Moral of the story: No one really cares. If they look at you it is boredom.

I spoke with my friend later and he said the guys at the gym always look at the younger girls and say " Man, can't wait to see what she achieves! She's gonna be HOT!" he said about the older or mom kinda women " I can't wait to see what she achieves....she is gonna be HOT!!!"
Guys think with their.............well, they love women let's just say that. If they giggle when you are on the machine, ask them if you are doing it wrong-can they help you!!

You need to use the machines, they are there for you!!


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I posted this for all the New Year Newbies. no worries..................get out there and walk, run, ride, jiggle, wiggle, jump, slide, bump, what you need to do to move and lose weight..............get healthier!!!

    Most ppl are thinking they wish THEY were doing that!!:drinker:
  • i love your happiness and zest! you're an inspiration :)
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    I will do what I do and tell a story.

    When I started at the gym I was 47 yrs old, 170 pounds of dead weight, and was winded going up the stairs to get to the cardio equipment. I mean I literally had to stop at the 20th step to catch my breath.

    I used the treadmill, but wouldn't go near the weights or the Eliptical machine. The Elip seemed like a mountain to climb for me.

    I had a young hot studly friend who was a trainer there. He came over one day, took me by the hand and lead me to the elip. He told me to start at 1 minute if I must, but I MUST.

    So I did my one minute and thought the alarms would go off and the oxygen mask was going to fall from the ceiling like on an airplane!! But it didnt.

    I worked up to about 6 minutes over a 2 week period, when one night a young cutie guy came and stood in front of me, waiting for the machine, He apparently thought I would either die or stop very soon.

    This really pissed me off so I decided to go until he walked away. Well, the SOB stood there for another 30 minutes, meaning I continued on the Elip for almost 40 min straight............and no they didnt have to call the ambulance!!

    As I exited the machine I said to him " thought you were gonna get a machine quick in front of this fat old lady, huh??!!" in between gasps of breath.....

    He looks at me " Hey lady, didnt even notice you, I was waiting for my girlfriend who is working out beside you!"

    Moral of the story: No one really cares. If they look at you it is boredom.

    I spoke with my friend later and he said the guys at the gym always look at the younger girls and say " Man, can't wait to see what she achieves! She's gonna be HOT!" he said about the older or mom kinda women " I can't wait to see what she achieves....she is gonna be HOT!!!"
    Guys think with their.............well, they love women let's just say that. If they giggle when you are on the machine, ask them if you are doing it wrong-can they help you!!

    You need to use the machines, they are there for you!!

    I absolutely love this!! I always feel like everyone is watching it makes me not want to do so many machines!! Thanks just about made my day!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Great story old lady. LOL
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    This made my day! LOVE IT!!!! More people need to read this! It can be intimidating the first day into the gym, even the first week! But you have to put it aside and realize you are doing it for you and not to make a good impression on ANY ONE at that gym!

    AWESOME Thread!!!
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    Wish my sisters would get this through their heads! I've tried multiple times to get them to go to Zumba with me but to no avail. My older sis who is pencil thin wouldn't go because she didn't want to make a fool of herself! We Zumba in a auto repair shop with the lights off, a disco ball, some black lights, enough light to be safe but not to see what everyone else is doing so it's not like anyone sits and watches to see if you screw up! I love it and as long as you move let people think what they want about how you move. At least you're getting fit and feeling great!
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Amazing! I know so many people are like this!! Use the people around you as motivation! When I first started jogging on a treadmill, 5 minutes at 4.5 was my max. One day, about a minute in, this REALLY cute guy got on next to me and said hi. I had my headphones and was sweaty and gross, so I just smiled and kept running. I kept at it for a whole mile! When I was done and slowed down to walk he said "geez, I was hoping you'd slow down quick so we could chat!"... OMG! Cutie guy thought I did a long run?? And he wanted to talk to sweaty stinky me? Keep it up... soon you'll be the inspiration for the newbies on the machines next to you :happy:
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    I love that story! You are my hero! And you tell such a great story!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    This made me smile! Thanks!!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    What an awesome story. it make feel feel better. I feel so jiggly in from fo teh mirros durring aerobics and zumba...but I'm so glad I'm doing somthing about the donut around my belly button.

    BTW...the same goes for yoga. everyoen else is way to invloved with their own pratice to look at you. I am over 200lbs and feel very comfortalbe in my yoga class!
  • kld4239
    kld4239 Posts: 186 Member
    Cheers! Thanks for sharing this story and remember baby steps!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    very funny story......great inspiration....keep up the great work...thanks for sharing....
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    That was so inspiring...even for a girl who could give-a-sh&t about what others think at the gym! Thank you!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    awesome!! I start with a personal trainer on Monday. I am sure she will embarrass the hell out of me running with a 10 lb weight all through the gym. Or doing lunges down the Gorilla Room..........Oh well...........
  • I like this story, very motivational.
  • katrina1025
    katrina1025 Posts: 74 Member
    I love it! You never have to worry about the big dudes at the gym either! I've noticed they are way too into watching themselves in the mirror to worry about us!!
  • OMG THATS AWSUM & HILARIOUS!!! THANK YOU FOR THAT STORY!!! I find myself acting silly w/ my friends so ppl wont make fun, they know im joking around.. when in all seriousness I am soo freakin embarrassed of if im doing it right! Thank God for the ALL women rooms & movie workout rooms!!! Back to the subject, if im thinking that, so is ALOT of other ppl. When actually NO ONE CARES we are all there for the same thing!!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Thank you for sharing this story, it is sooooo true!!!

    I was in town getting some work done on my car last fall and thought I would kill the time by hitting the local Wellness Center. Walked in and saw there were three people beside the desk personel and was glad to see the ellipticals open. One person was an elderly gent who was on the recumbant cycle, one was a female (4 or 5 yrs older than I) who was on a treadmill walking approx. 3 mph and the third person was her husband who was standing visiting her. I waved as I headed to change and when I came out the elderly man was leaving but the lady was still walking, I hopped on the elliptical which is farther into the machine's room and got into my interval workout, glanced around when the lady got off her treadmill which was maybe 15 minutes later and saw they were visiting the desk guy. I went back into my workout world and about 15 minutes later I glanced around and saw her watching me, I looked away then casually looked again and she was STILL watching me! I was thinking WTH???? They soon left after that and as I was leaving the desk guy said "Those people said "Wow she really get after it and the man said he works for the highway dept. and even see's you out jogging when it is 25 below zero!" I laughed! But it is normal to be a people watcher and if I can set a good example for even ONE person to incorporate fitness into their lives it makes my day!!!
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    I love the story, that is awesome. Hey you found your motivation to keep going :)
    The only time I do get watched is when I go to the weight room and I'm the only girl in there. And when I'm having to wait for some of the guys to put the weights I need back, I get funny looks then. But I'm not using anything more than 30 in free weights and mostly stick to 10, 15, and 20. I have even had a couple of comments on my pink weight lifting gloves, lol.

    Some people watch others for motivation too.. thinking if (he/she) can do it so can I or oh, thats how its done... I think I can do that too.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    I'm shaking it!!!! Thank you for sharing. This was beautiful!
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