30 Day Shred Starting Monday, January 10th, 2011



  • mdaniella
    mdaniella Posts: 42 Member
    Lol I just bought it too! EVERYONE says great stuff about it. =] when i bought it...it also can with a downloadable version to start right away..super excited!
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    I had all but decided not to repeat the workout for the day, then we decided to have Mexican tonight. I came right home and repented with Jillian. Now I feel better. See you all tomorrow :tongue:
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Day 6 = Done!

    Thinking I might move up to Level 2 tomorrow (but that's just me probably being overly ambitious tonight...we'll see).

    I've done The Shred before. Level 2 is my nemesis. I'd love to challenge myself and do it for two weeks and then finish with Level 3 for 10 days.

    Went to pick baby up out of the playpen today and I could definitely feel soreness in my thighs. My form must've improved. Maybe I'm squatting lower.

    Glad to see you're all still into this - and we have newcomers still! Wow, great group!!
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    ....... Btw, I am still just petering along with weight loss, a lot of you were too earlier in the week, is this still true for you guys?

    Actually, yes. :cry: Sadly, my weight loss has stalled since starting 30DS. I'm not doing anything differently than I was before 30DS. I was hoping that it was water weight but, as I'm on Day 7 today, I'm not sure. You'd think that if my muscles were holding on to water b/c of the shock I was giving them that they'd have stopped retaining all that water by now. Still, my arms are still very sore, and my legs are a little sore in the morning still. Ugh! I've actually gained 1.2 pounds from last Sunday to this Sunday. :frown:

    Oh, well. I'm going to keep at it. I told myself that I'd get through these 30 days, and I wll. I'm hoping that the scale will move down soon, but if I can at least lose some inches then that would make up for it. :smile:

    Day 7 today.... I'm trying to muster up the energy to get it done. Had to do Day 6 at night last night so I'm soooo tired now. I might have to make this an evening workout again today. Good luck, everyone!
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Great job Shredders!!

    L1D4 complete! I suggested doing the DVD after work w/a few of my coworkers and they agreed. Tonight will be our first time as a group. Hopefully it will help us all keep the motivation. The only downside is that we work 4-midnight....working out at midnight is going to be a challenge - especially because my day starts at 6!

    Off to have breakfast!
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    ....... Btw, I am still just petering along with weight loss, a lot of you were too earlier in the week, is this still true for you guys?

    Actually, yes. :cry: Sadly, my weight loss has stalled since starting 30DS. I'm not doing anything differently than I was before 30DS. I was hoping that it was water weight but, as I'm on Day 7 today, I'm not sure. You'd think that if my muscles were holding on to water b/c of the shock I was giving them that they'd have stopped retaining all that water by now. Still, my arms are still very sore, and my legs are a little sore in the morning still. Ugh! I've actually gained 1.2 pounds from last Sunday to this Sunday. :frown:

    Oh, well. I'm going to keep at it. I told myself that I'd get through these 30 days, and I wll. I'm hoping that the scale will move down soon, but if I can at least lose some inches then that would make up for it. :smile:

    Day 7 today.... I'm trying to muster up the energy to get it done. Had to do Day 6 at night last night so I'm soooo tired now. I might have to make this an evening workout again today. Good luck, everyone!

    It'll come, guys. Especially if you're sore. Give it time. I remember from round 1 of The Shred I started noticing a difference in weight and measurements into Level 2 - probably around day 15. Hang in there!

    Oh, and PS: I've decided to stay on Level 1 for another 4 days - my buns and thighs have been sore the past 2 days. I do believe I'm perfecting my squat form and gettin' deeper!

    Good luck today everyone. Enjoy your Sunday.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    L1D7 done- one whole week down. I can't wait to see my progess in another week. I'm holding off doing measurements right away because I don't want to disappoint myself.
  • happydaywitty
    happydaywitty Posts: 86 Member
    I have to say that it makes me feel so much better to hear some of you say your weight has stalled. Mine has to since I started Shred. I am still sore in my thighs. Maybe it's just me but i feel like I'm toning up. I'm feeling so proud of my self that I'm sticking to it. My super fit 19 year old son said I will do it with you mom yesterday. Ha Ha he was sore too. He was telling his friends that's a great workout. We can do it!!!
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    L1D8 DONE!!
    I am feeling GREAT!

    My weight loss is very slow this time around but it is due to the MUSCLE gain... I am not going to complain about muscle gain!
    My clothes are fitting loose. I have more energy. I am eating healthy. Everything is going pretty good.

    Stick with it everyone!
    DO NOT get discouraged b/c of what the scale reads. PLEASE!
    Go by how awesome you are feeling.
  • Bubbas12
    Bubbas12 Posts: 79 Member
    Yesterday finished L1 D5 and I discovered that working out 1-1/2 hours after eating lunch leaves me with no energy but I finished the worjkout anyway,

    Did L1 D6 today and upped my weights to 5 lbs. I was able to do all of the squat and presses but I had to take a couple of breaks during the second round of side lunges and shoulder raises. All in all, I didn't think I did too bad. I also probably wouldn't have worked out today ( I got called in to work at 6:15 this morning) but I read all the posts and I had to hold myself accountable.

    I'm so glad this thread is still going strong!!!
  • mnheather
    mnheather Posts: 84 Member
    Well I just finished L1D7 and I think I did something to my thigh and stomach. I first felt the thigh issue when kneeling for communion at church. I tried to do the squat with my left leg forward and I about feel over from the searing pain. I also noticed during the bicycle crunches that my lower tummy had the same type of pain. So I just did regular crunches. But I am determined to keep going. Still don't like Jillian on day 7 than I did on day 1. :laugh:
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Hey, everyone!! Glad that we're still on track! :smile:

    L1 Day 7--completed!!!! I felt sooo good today. For the first time, I made it through that first cardio circuit (jumping jacks/jump rope) nonstop! The first 6 days, the jump ropes were killing my calves. I also managed to do all the push-ups--modified, but still!!! I'm super excited. :bigsmile: I'm going to try not to worry too much about the scale. I'm feeling proud of myself for doing this, and I'm confident that the scale will reflect my hard work at some point.

    Way to go, everyone!! Have a great night!
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    Hey, everyone!! Glad that we're still on track! :smile:

    L1 Day 7--completed!!!! I felt sooo good today. For the first time, I made it through that first cardio circuit (jumping jacks/jump rope) nonstop! The first 6 days, the jump ropes were killing my calves. I also managed to do all the push-ups--modified, but still!!! I'm super excited. :bigsmile: I'm going to try not to worry too much about the scale. I'm feeling proud of myself for doing this, and I'm confident that the scale will reflect my hard work at some point.

    Way to go, everyone!! Have a great night!

    Way to go girl! You deserve a big congrats! The jumping jacks/jump rope series is a tough one to get through, be proud of yourself! :D
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    Lvl 1 Day 7 is done! WOohoo :D I'm glad I got my butt in gear (thanks to some encouragment!) and finished it :) Today felt bit easier than the past week :) I was able to get through the cardio circuts no problem, panting of course, but kept up with the ladies. Still loving this workout! I think i'm off to try Jillian's Yogamelt down. I feel like a good stretch, but I bet i'm in for more sweating and toning lol!
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Lvl 1 Day 7 is done! WOohoo :D I'm glad I got my butt in gear (thanks to some encouragment!) and finished it :) Today felt bit easier than the past week :) I was able to get through the cardio circuts no problem, panting of course, but kept up with the ladies. Still loving this workout! I think i'm off to try Jillian's Yogamelt down. I feel like a good stretch, but I bet i'm in for more sweating and toning lol!

    Woohoo!!!!!! Yeah!!! :happy: (I wish there was a "we rock" smiley.) Hm, I have to look into this Yogamelt. You know, the only complaint I really have (at this moment, any way :tongue: ) is that I feel like I need more of a cool down/stretch when I'm done with the workout. Hmmm, must check into more Jillian stuff.
  • kiblinger115
    I too have noticed some weight gain. Not worried though because I can tell a difference in my clothes and tone. I feel stronger. This is exactly what I needed! I had to force myself to do the workout one night due to pain and stiffness in my calves (day 3). But I know it will be worth it when I take my 30 day "after photo"! Good luck ladies!
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Day 8 done, getting in the mindset to switch to Level 2.

    I'll be looking forward to a change, at least - or at least not hearing "the neck isn't invited to this party" anymore...lol
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    L1D7 complete. Felt like a slug but I finished. I am ready to move on as well....Jillianisms are starting to drive me nuts, I can almost recite them word for word.:laugh:
  • mnheather
    mnheather Posts: 84 Member
    I hate "don't phone it in". What the heck is that about. It bugs me every time she says it.
  • mnheather
    mnheather Posts: 84 Member
    Wonder if I should have just done measurements instead of the darn scale. I weighed in this morning with a 3 pound gain! What the heck. I watch every calorie and am forced to look at Jillian every day. Makes me wonder why I walked past the bakery at the grocery store last night. LOL